Page 70 of When I Was His

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"Are you sure?" Oliver's voice was husky against my ear.

"You're a wicked man," I murmured, trying to catch my breath. "Now stop before I pass out."

He chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down my spine, before he climbed over my body, trailing kisses along my skin. I sighed contentedly as he suckled on my nipples before settling beside me, his head resting on my shoulder. I ran my fingers through his hair, tracing the stubble on his jaw.

"I had lunch with my brothers today," I said, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Is that where you disappeared to while I was at the office?" Oliver teased.

I nodded. "Sadie's been spending a lot of time with Dan. They argue constantly, and I'm worried it might not be just a phase."

"Maybe they're just not compatible," Oliver suggested.

"Sadie wants it to work," I explained. "She didn't have an easy upbringing like me. Money means a lot to her."

"She shouldn't settle for someone just because they have money," Oliver remarked firmly.

"I agree, but I've given up on arguing with her about it. I don't want to strain our relationship."

"What did your brothers have to say?" Oliver inquired, his tone shifting.

"They're worried you'll break my heart," I confessed, a hint of vulnerability creeping into my voice.

Oliver's gaze softened as he reached for my hand. "I would never. You mean too much to me."

"We fell so far, so fast," I admitted. "Doesn't it worry you that we'll burn out?"

He lifted his head to meet my gaze. "Do you think that?"

"I worry sometimes," I admitted.

"Don't," Oliver said firmly. "It won't happen. I love you. You're the first woman I've ever thought about a future with."

I swallowed, deeply touched by his words. "Wasn't there anyone before me that you considered marrying?"

"My life was consumed by my business," Oliver confessed. "Sure, I had dates, but none as captivating as you."

"So I'm interesting now?" I teased, a smile playing on my lips.

"Very," Oliver replied with a smirk. "You keep me entertained in more ways than one."

He nipped at my shoulder playfully, leaving his mark, before the conversation shifted again.

"I need to start working out again," Oliver remarked casually. "You make me lazy."

"Your body looks great," I assured him. "Maybe I should borrow your trainer," I mused.

Oliver's firm declaration sliced through the air like a knife. "Absolutely not."

"Why?" I countered, my voice laced with frustration.

"Bronson is a smooth talker. He'd try to charm you out of your panties, and he's good-looking enough to pull it off," Oliver explained, his tone tinged with concern.

"Do you honestly think I'd fall for that with my legs in the air? You don't give me much credit," I shot back, feeling a surge of annoyance.

"I'm pretty sure it wouldn't happen, but just in case, you stay away from him," Oliver insisted, his words hanging in the air.

I flung my legs over the edge of the bed, seething at Oliver's implication that I was so easily swayed. When his hand touched my back, I recoiled, a surge of anger coursing through me.

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