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“Did you not have one before?”

He kisses me on the cheek. “I’m good. I promise.”

I worry about him. About everyone. Life’s too short and fragile, and this family of mine has known too much heartache. I’m not naïve in thinking my grandparents are going to live forever, but I’d like them to be around when Elle, Quinn, and I become parents.

Noah and I follow my grandparents into the family room, where Bianca is kicked back and enjoying a mocktail. From what I’ve been told, she’s changed a lot since Liam came back. I don’t remember much of her when I was younger, and Noah doesn’t talk about the time Bianca wasn’t around. My mom always says, it was a different time back then, but I also know she’s referring to her parents, who she pretty much disowned after my father died.

After greeting my parents and Bianca, I look at my mom. “Where’s Oliver?”

“He’s napping.”

I groan.

“He’ll be up soon. Come sit, tell us how today went.”

Noah sits next to his grandma, and we recount everything that happened this morning. “So, now we wait.”

“And how do you feel?” Bianca asks Noah.

He looks at her and smiles. “Pretty damn good. I’m confident.”

“What are the odds you end up with twins?” my dad asks.

I shrug. “Both embryos could become a fetus.”

“Or they could split,” my mom adds.

“Could you end up with four?” Dad’s eyes are wide. He holds his arms out and then shakes his head. “I don’t know if I can hold four at once.”

My laugh falls short. I can’t imagine four babies. I’d love and welcome them, but lord help me. “No one says you’d have to hold all four at the same time.”

“Equal love for all,” he says.

“Twins would be fun,” Noah says. “We’ll be happy with one, two, it doesn’t matter, just as long as our little guy or girl is healthy.” Noah winks at me.

I know he says one, but he wants eleven, so he has a full offensive line. Years ago, maybe. If things had been different for us. I don’t even want to think what it will be like to have eleven children. I marvel and bow down to the women who do.

While everyone is talking and drinking fruity cocktails, I excuse myself and head toward the beach. There’s a nice breeze and the tide is out. I walk until the sand becomes hard and then sit down. The sun will set soon. It’s one of my favorite times of the day, especially when we are here. Watching it disappear, only to be replaced by the moon is one of the most magical sights to behold. The promise of a new day to come.

I don’t know how long I’m out there for when my grandpa sits down next to me. I lean my head on his shoulder as he wraps his arm around me. He’s another reason I think about moving back to Beaumont. Aside from Elle, he’s all I have left of my father. When I look at him, I like to pretend I’m seeing my father in him.

“It’s beautiful here,” he says. “I’m surprised Elle wanted to move back to Beaumont.”

“Beaumont’s family,” I tell him. “There’s a sense of peace and calm there. And you.”

He chuckles lightly.

“A cruise, huh?”

“Yep. Bianca’s idea,” he says. “I never thought I’d go on a cruise, let alone with Bianca Westbury. She’s changed though and apologized for all those times when she wasn’t a good mother to Liam.”

“That was kind of her.”

“She loves you and Noah, that’s for sure. Ever since Harrison picked us up at the airport, she’s yammered on and on about how today was so important for you and how we need to shower you with love so the egg or whatever it’s called knows how loved they’ll be when they get here.”

“Thanks, Grandpa. I really appreciate it.”

He clears his throat. “The reason I came out here, other than to sit with my beautiful granddaughter, is to talk to you about your father.”

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