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“For women who can’t afford to go through IVF. I’m sitting here thinking, if this round doesn’t work, it’s nothing for us to do it again. But for some . . .” I take a deep breath. “For many, the cost is out of reach, and they may only get one try. That’s not fair. It’s not their fault.”

“It’s funny you’re bringing this up. The day we had the consultation, I thought about making a donation, but then I wondered if we made it there, who would it actually help. I think your idea of starting a foundation or even a fund is smart. I bet we can ask your mom to manage it. With her still being a volunteer at the hospital she might know who could spread the word.”

“That’s a good idea. We’ll have to meet with a lawyer, make sure we’re not liable for anything and establish the regulations on how we disperse funds.”

Noah scoots his chair next to mine and takes my hand. “This could be a big undertaking, Peyton. Are you sure it’s something you want to take on right now?”

I nod. “It’s hard for me to work if you and the others aren’t working. Obviously, I’ll have to be at organized team activities, and then go back when you do. But I still have time to help get things set up.”

“Ugh,” he leans his head back and groans. “Don’t remind me about OTAs.”


Noah shakes his head. “It’s not you. It’s the fact I don’t have a contract so I’m going into this last year in limbo because I don’t know if they’re working on a trade.”

“Maybe a trade isn’t so bad.”

He squints his eyes at me. “What?”

“The more I think about it, maybe I don’t want to work after I have this baby.” I place my hand below my stomach, in hopes that at least one of the embryos wants to attach, grow, and become our child. I know there’s two in there but I’m not considered pregnant yet and it’s going to drive me mad.

Noah’s hand rests on top of mine. “Honestly, babe. I’d love nothing more than to look out and see you with this little guy or gal in the stands, rooting me on.”

“As long as we have baby headphones.”

Noah laughs. “Of course. His or her grandpas will demand it. But seriously, Peyton. If you don’t want to work, then don’t. I don’t want you to stress about a job or about my career. I could quit tomorrow, and we’d be fine. We’ve invested well.”

I cup his cheek. “I love you and thank you for taking care of us.”

He kisses my palm. “There isn’t a place in this world I’d rather be.”

My husband’s sweet. That is until his eyes drift south of where our hands rest.

“Seriously, Noah?”

“What? I can’t help it. I look at you, horny. I think about you, horny. I’m a walking talking erection when it comes to you.”

“We can't, so don't even think about it.”

Noah leans toward me and rests his forehead against mine. “It’ll be worth the wait.”

“Even if I’m not?”

“You are,” he tells me. “There isn’t a doubt in my mind.”

For dinner, we head to my parents. When I walk into their condo, my eyes widen as my grandparents surprise me. “What are you guys doing here?” Seeing them together makes me wonder what they’re up to. I don’t want to think about them dating—not because I don’t think everyone needs to find love—but because it feels awkward. Grandpa Powell dating Grandma James.

“Michael and I are going on a cruise,” Grandma Tess says.

“I’m going too or am I chopped liver?” The sound of Bianca’s voice echoes from the other room. I glance at Noah, who looks as surprised as I am.

Tess rolls her eyes. “Yes, we’re all going.”

“That sounds fun,” I say after hugging her and my grandpa. “How are you?” I ask him.

“Doing great. Things are good. Clean bill of health.”

Okay, why did he say that?

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