Page 96 of Ninth Circle

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I keep reading that stupid interview over and over again, and for some reason, I can’t shake the feeling that Garrett’s new wife was taking shots at me. She didn’t come right out and call my name, but that crack about old slippers and such seemed pointedly aimed at me.

If that wasn’t bad enough, the shots they have of her and Garrett for their spread all show him looking at her with an indulgent smile on his face. I know Garrett, and he has never looked at me or anyone else like that. I would know because I used to watch like a hawk whenever we were anywhere together.

I always knew that there were other women after him, but the one thing I can say is that he was a very loyal boyfriend. Garrett hates cheating or any kind of betrayal, which is only one of the qualities I love about him.

But now he was looking at her the way he never looked at me in eight years. She was reaping everything I had worked for and she’d only known him a handful of weeks. Every time I think about it, I can’t help but see the unfairness of it all.

I thought I had no one to talk to about my feelings, but the last time I tested the waters with Sabrina, she seemed to be on my side. That was such a relief because the one time I tried it with Garrett’s Mom, the woman I had hoped would be my mother-in-law someday, she’d laughed me off.

She’d brought up my marriage like that meant anything and the fact that I had a child. She’d brushed me and my concerns off as if I hadn’t been a part of their family for close to a decade. And the way she kept going on and on about this girl was infuriating.

As for the Dad, he was acting out of character as well, beaming with pride about his new daughter-in-law. They were already talking about her as if she was part of the family and treating me like a stranger when I was the one who had sat at their dinner table over the years.

I can’t believe how hurtful they were being, talking about her in my presence when I visited their home. I needed some reassurance that they still saw me as the only one who was right for their son, but I came away feeling like less than nothing. They’d already moved on and seemed very happy with their son being married to a nobody who was probably only after his money.

When I hinted at that my former mother-in-law had given me a stern look and forbid me to ever say such a thing again. She’d then gone on to tell me about her talks with the new bitch and how she was looking forward to spending time with her and all about the party they were planning for her and Garrett when they came out for their first visit.

I couldn’t believe the lengths they were going to for this girl. They never once threw a party for me or went out of their way to show me that I was part of their family but now here they were going all out for her.

I picked up my kid and left there, ready to kill. I’d taken my son with me because I knew how much Mrs. Jacobi liked them, but she could barely spare him a glance because she was too busy gushing over that bitch.

I thought all was lost until Sabrina met me at the car and asked if I was okay. She was the only one who seemed to realize that I was hurt and that this was all moving too fast. She didn’t say it either, but I knew from what little she said that she understood and that she wasn’t as onboard as everyone else seemed to be with her brother’s hasty wedding.

That little talk with her helped to calm me down some and I was a little more relaxed when I got behind the wheel. Thankfully, she’d come out after I’d smacked my son for screaming in my face and hadn’t seen my reaction. I have to remember to stay calm in public because the last thing I need is for anyone to start talking out of turn.

Most people don’t know how hard it is to take care of kids. I was fine before; I could always ignore him because his nanny was always there, but ever since Garrett got married every little thing about the kid annoys me.

Sometimes, I blame him for holding me back. I think that if it wasn’t for him, I could have left my idiot husband and gotten my life with Garrett back. It’s to the point that I feel nothing but hate when I look at him.


My phone rang just as I was pulling through the gates of home. My boss, the suck-up, had sent me home an hour early with the excuse that since it was my first day back, I should get home to my husband. Whatever!

“Hey, Sabi… Sabi, what’s the matter?” She was crying too hard to speak, and for a split second, I thought someone had died.

“She hit him.”

“What? Who hit who?”

“Natalie, she hit her baby. She hit him so hard, the little guy. What are we going to do?”

My whole body went cold, and I went into my numbness phase. This is something I do when I need to separate emotion from common sense. “Okay, calm down. Here’s what we’re going to do. Get close to her. Get close to the nanny. Do whatever you have to to get the kid away from her as much as possible.”

“Okay, I can do that. I think she might see it as me choosing her because the stuff she was saying to Mom seems to hint at her still wanting to be part of the family or something. She doesn’t know that Mom and I know the things she’s been saying about you.”

“Okay, keep it that way. Right now, the kid is the most important thing. Where did she hit him? How did it happen?”

“She came over earlier to talk to me and Mom but I made my excuses because I can’t stand to be around her knowing what she’s been up to.”

“I think she got upset because Mom wasn’t giving her what she wanted, like when she hinted at you being a gold digger, Mom made her apologize, and then Dad came from his home office and was going on and on about how great you’re going to be for the family. Anyway, I think it was too much and she left.”

“I was watching her from the window and saw her slap him across the face really hard. I ran out there and pretended I was asking if she was okay like I was on her side type of thing. His little face was so red, and he was too hurt to cry. I wanted to kill her.”

“Okay, don’t cry. Just do as I said. I’ll have your brother bring me out this weekend instead of the end of the month. Don’t forget, visit her house and no matter what you do, don’t get her upset. Try to see if you can get any kind of evidence. On second thought, if I walk you through how to do something, would you be able to do it?”

“What is it?”

“How tech-savvy are you?”

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