Page 95 of Ninth Circle

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He's such a fucking loser. And now he doesn’t even have a job and I overheard his parents talking about him not being able to find work in his field again. Apparently, he had lied about his school transcripts or something, I don’t know, and I don’t care.

As if my life wasn’t hard enough as it is, my stupid period had to last an extra day when it was supposed to be done already, and it was hell keeping that truth away from them. I have to throw away my pads in a dumpster far from the house so they didn’t catch on, but since I didn’t go out all yesterday, I’d had to let them pile up in the closet in the room they’d given me since their son refused to let me sleep in his room and now they were starting to stink.

It had only been a day and a half so I don’t know why they smelt like that already, but whatever. I read Mitzie’s last message and frowned. I barely had any money left on my card and wasn’t sure where I was going to get more from unless I found a job in the next few days.

I’d tried calling my parents and my sister but found out I was blocked, which meant they were serious about cutting me off this time. That really pisses me off because they were acting like this was such a big deal.

I was thinking once they heard about the pregnancy, they’d soften, so I had Denny’s Mom call to talk to them, but she didn’t get through either. Come to find out, the three of them had gone away together somewhere after the big blowout.

I knew Sherry was only doing all this to get back in Alyssa’s good graces because I’d heard her crying to my parents about how she’d lost her best friend because of me. That’s what she gets for putting that bitch before her own sister.

I don’t see why they’re all up her ass anyway, and it’s going to be even worse now since she’d married that hotshot. I drove by their place and was sick to my stomach. Now everyone is talking as if they’re the first couple of the county or something.

It's all anyone would talk about, whether in the street or online. The community boards were filled with nothing but praise and talk about her and her new man. Everyone seems to have forgotten that she was supposed to be marrying someone else.

No one seems to bat a lash at her swift turnaround, but I slept with her ex and was blacklisted and cast aside. My life is going to shit, and she’s living the life that should be mine. That stuck-up bitch has always had everything handed to her, so I don’t know why I’m surprised.

When we were younger, everyone pandered to her because of her parents’ divorce, like they were the first to do so, or she was the first product of a broken home. That’s how Mitzie and I became friends. We formed a bond of sorts in our dislike of her.

The two of us had spent many an afternoon dreaming out loud about the many ways we were going to fuck her over the minute we got the chance. But it just never seemed to happen. Mitzie’s Mom had tried getting her stepdad not to pay for Alyssa to go to that fancy school of hers and had made him refuse to pay, but she’d still gone, thanks to scholarships and her extended family stepping up.

That was the last chance we had to cut her down a peg or two before I screwed her fiancé. After she went away to school, I thought I would get my sister back, but instead, she’d put herself in debt with student loans so she could follow her best friend.

Our parents weren’t mad at that stupid shit, but they were up in arms because I went to bed with Denny. They were always all for the relationship between those two because they saw Alyssa as some sort of role model for Sherry, and she was so far up Alyssa’s butt that she couldn’t see that the other girl was just a snobby bitch who thought she was better than everyone else.

At least, that’s how I saw her. Everyone was always singing her praise, and she always acted as if she didn’t give a damn what anyone else thought except her brothers. She was always close to them, and they seemed to take pride in each other.

That’s why I’d made a play for her youngest brother, but he didn’t even give me the time of day. They were always with her, always protecting her. People were always talking about how close the siblings were and how the boys would drop everything to be there for their little sister.

I hated that she had that and so did Mitzie. Even though they were her stepbrothers, none of them ever took the time to get close to her and had shut her out of their lives completely. Everything they had was for their precious little princess who thought her shit didn’t stink.

Sometimes, I hate her so much it chokes me and brings me to tears. I’ll never forget the day I first started hating her. There was a concert, mine and my sister’s favorite boy band was playing. Although I was two years younger than Sherry, I always wanted to do what she was doing.

So, even though I didn’t really like the band, I pretended to because she did. Anyway, they were playing in the town next to ours, and it was all my sister could talk about. She begged and pleaded to go for her birthday, and Dad finally talked Mom into taking her. When Mom asked who she wanted to take, she could take one other person, I was sure she was going to choose me.

I’d already bragged to all of my friends that I was going and had started picking out my clothes and everything. I think those two were twelve, and I was about ten at the time. When I came downstairs to find Sherry all excited and chattering away about all the things they were going to do since they were going to spend the night, I piped up with my own plans.

She just looked at me and, without a care in the world, informed me that I wasn’t going; I was staying home with Dad while she took her best friend. I’d cried and thrown a fit and threatened to destroy the whole house, but Mom didn’t budge.

She claimed that since it was Sherry’s birthday, she got to choose and she had already made her choice. I’m not sure if it was, but it’s the first time I recall my parents not giving me my way in something.

From that day onward I hated Alyssa and had done everything in my power to break up the friendship to no avail. Those two were enmeshed or something, the way they clung to each other and helped each other through everything.

I guess I had finally got my wish after all because they were no longer friends, so at least that was something. I hope they were both miserable for the rest of their lives to make up for the way I had suffered because of them.

As the day went on, I listened to the movement beyond the bedroom door, listening to the drone of voices but not really caring about what was going on. Apparently, Denny had gone to the hospital for something or the other, which I didn’t quite hear, and I can’t say that I care.

The way he’s been treating me, I wouldn’t care if he dropped dead. Thank heaven, his mother is a complete moron who didn’t even verify my pregnancy story; she just took me in once I told her my sob story about how her son coerced me, and now my family had turned against me.

I had her believing that I was so in love with her wimpy son, and my heart was broken because of his callous actions since we were found out. I think his sister knows I’m full of shit because of the looks she gave me, but since she doesn’t have a say in whether I can stay or not, I don’t really care what that bitch thinks.

Now, I just need to figure out where I could get some money from for beer because I wasn’t about to spend my last funds on that shit. I need every penny until I figure out where my life is headed.

I scrolled through my contacts to see who I could hit up and came up with an idea. Mitzie’s idea of a party is always a good time, but it’s more trailer park hoedown than anything else. The girl likes to party but she’s a bit of a prude when it comes down to it.

Like, she would get high, sure, but she’s the monogamous type. To me, that’s a waste of a good high. I sent out a few messages with the address of the place where Mitzie was staying, then sent her a text letting her know I’d invited a few people. I’m going to show her how to really party.


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