Page 97 of Ninth Circle

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“Are you kidding? My brother and my Dad are the kings of the tech industry.”

“Okay, this may be illegal. Are you sure you’re down?”

“If it will help save that little boy from that crazy witch, I’ll do anything.”

I calmed her down some more before hanging up and driving the rest of the way up the driveway. I saw Garrett standing at one of the upstairs windows, watching me, and by the time I came to a stop, he was standing in the doorway waiting for me.

“What’s the matter?” Even though I’d schooled my face so that I didn’t show what I was feeling, he still saw through me. I’m still deciding if this is a blessing or a curse.

“We’ll talk inside; how was your day?”

“Very full, and yours?”

“It was great until my annoying husband stuck his nose in my shit. Why the hell did you have him taken to the hospital?”

“Did you know that without the injection, he would’ve died in a matter of days?”

“What’s your point?”

“You want to kill people?”

“I wasn’t there, officer!”

“Funny, but you’re not going there. Trust me, taking a life isn’t as easy as it may seem. The guilt would catch up with you eventually, and it would take you down a very dark road.”

“Killed a lotta people, have you?” I’m not sure what his non-answer meant but I had other things to take him to task for. “We need to talk about the team of people you have following me around. You need to call them off.”

“I thought we had this conversation already.”

“No, I told you to call them off, and you said no without any kind of discussion.”

“I’m not sure if you know, but no is a complete sentence.” How dare this bastard. That’s something me and the girlies were always saying to over enthusiastic frat boys who were trying to get into my pants.

He must’ve seen the storm clouds brewing because he kept going before I could say what was on my mind. “Your brothers came by earlier.” Well, now, that was a whole other kettle of fish.

“What did they want?”

“They wanted my help in getting you to forgive them.”

I folded my arms and tapped my feet on the ground. “And what did you say?”

“I told them I’d only do what’s right for you, always.”

“And that is?”

“Whatever you want.” Okay, I’ll let him live.

He followed me inside and took my briefcase and laptop, which gave me a chance to get my thoughts together before sharing what his sister had said. “That was Sabrina on the phone. Natalie went to visit your parents today, and as she was leaving, your sister saw her smack her kid in the face.”

“What?” See, this is why I had to think about whether or not I was going to tell him because I wasn’t sure how he was going to react.

“Yeah, so I think we need to go home this weekend instead of the end of the month.”

“What’s that going to do?”

“I’m not sure, but I feel kind of responsible. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve been deliberately getting under her skin, but if she’s taking that shit out on her kid, that’s where I draw the line.”

“Come ‘ere.” He pulled me into his arms and held me.

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