Page 76 of Fakecation

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That mere brush of lips awoke something in her, and she needed more. More pressure. More time. More everything.

Amelia’s hand wrapped around his neck, and she pressed herself into him harder. She could feel his sharp intake of breath, and she only had half a second to wonder if she was taking it too far before he pushed her against the side of her car.

This was a side of him she’d never seen. He was always quiet and calm, but this . . . this was the hottest thing she’d ever experienced. His teeth nipped at her bottom lip, soon followed by his tongue.

And she quickly realized that he was not only unfairly attractive. He was also a damn good kisser too.

Amelia opened her mouth to him, feeling his tongue brush against hers. He took up every inch of her mind, allowing nothing else to break through.

And then her car alarm went off.

They sprung apart, Daniel reacting quicker than she did. He fumbled with the keys and hit the lock button, silencing the loudness.

It gave her a second to think about what she’d done and realize that they’d just blasted past a boundary that she wasn’t sure was supposed to be broken. She looked at his kiss-swollen lips and wondered if they would ever be the same.

“You know what?” she started. “I think we made our point.”


“And we’re good, right? We’re not . . . going to make this weird?”

“Not at all.”

She nodded, grateful that his mind seemed to be right where hers was.

“We should head to bed. I bet we’re tired.”


She rushed up the stairs. She told herself that she wasn’t going to think about that kiss any longer. It was over, and besides, it was only for show.

But she was lying to herself.


The next morning, Amelia was very much replaying that kiss in her head when she woke up in Daniel’s arms again.

They hadn’t even gone to sleep near each other. She’d folded herself on the very edge of her side of the bed, and he’d followed suit.

But apparently, they didn’t continue that trend when asleep.

Being near him felt like a new normal, one that she knew would end badly. Rationally, she knew they hadn’t talked about what to do if they found themselves feeling anything for each other. He didn’t know everything about her mental health, and she didn’t know if he was even ready to move on after Lucinda.

And yet, those reasons did nothing to quell her desire for him. His body was hard against hers, and she couldn’t help but notice one part of his body was harder than the rest.

She bit her lip, and her brain imagined exactly what that hardness could do to her. It was easy to imagine him sliding into her, filling her in a way she hadn’t been in far too long.

All of her logic flew out the window and her hips jerked back, eager to feel even more of him.

Daniel’s arm around her tightened, pulling her impossibly closer.

“What are you doing to me?” His voice was rough and low. Her skin broke out into goose bumps.

“I-I could ask you the same thing.”

His grip went slack and he pulled away. “You’re awake?” he asked.

She missed his warmth, but her brain was slowly coming back online. He’d done the right thing by pulling away. She knew that.
