Page 75 of Fakecation

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“I’ve gotta get a banana split,” she said. “They still have it.”

This place was more crowded than the restaurant, but she was determined to get her prize. Daniel got in line behind her, eyes on the menu. A few kids ran past, making Amelia shuffle closer to him to let them through.

He didn’t even look down, but his arm wrapped around her, pulling her tighter.

She knew the position was better. Her being so close to him made a larger walkway for anyone who needed to get to the napkins or trash can on the wall.

But this wasn't a real date. “I-I should maybe move.”

He finally looked down at her, and she could have melted in his gaze. “I think you should stay right here. Being this close seems perfect on a date.”

“Even a fake one?”

“I’m fine with it if you are.”

And she was. She knew she wouldn’t dare to move away from him. Being next to Daniel like this was becoming her favorite place to be.

They stayed close until they ordered their ice cream. Once she had her sugary treat in hand, it was all she could focus on. She hadn’t had a banana split like this in far too long.

“Thank you for this night,” she said as they walked to the car. “It was amazing.”

“I’m glad. I enjoyed it too. More than you know.” His eyes lingered on her face, and she could have sworn she saw his gaze slip to her lips.

“W-we should head back. It’s getting late.”

He nodded, going around to the driver’s side to get them home. Amelia felt her shoulders sag, but not with relief.

Daniel hadn’t kissed her. That should have been a good thing. It meant their relationship was still fake and they hadn’t crossed any lines.

But she wasn’t happy with that. She wanted more. And now that she’d imagined what his lips could feel like on hers, she wanted to experience it. She couldn’t get her mind off of it, even though she tried.

It was only a thirty-minute drive back, and the whole time, she turned over every moment of their date in her mind, wondering how it could have ended differently. Every moment of it had been perfect, up until she’d put the brakes on things.

They pulled in to the parking lot. Amelia wrestled with her own guilt and got out of the car. She glanced up at the condo, only to see someone poking their head out the front door.

She paused. “My mom’s watching for us.”

“I suppose she is,” Daniel replied. “I hope this isn’t the part of the date where she lectures me for bringing her daughter home past curfew.”

“Or the awkward part where you drop me off at the door.”

“I certainly hope not. I’d have to get a hotel room if I did.” He gave her one last smile before brushing past her to go toward the door.

“Wait,” she said. “I know this isn’t exactly like when you’d drop me off at the door. But technically, we’re supposed to be dating. And if that was a real date, then it was a great one, and I think I’d owe you a kiss at the end of it.”

He blinked, jaw agape.

“Or,” she continued after seeing his reaction, “we can just forget I ever said that and go inside.”

“I don’t think I can,” he said.

“I’m sorry. I made it awkward.”

“No, you didn’t. I made it awkward because I’m standing here like an idiot when I have a woman like you offering to kiss me.”

“It’s only fair. It’s what I would do if . . .” She trailed off. She wanted to do it with no ifs, ands, or buts. She had no idea how to explain it, though. So, instead, she stepped close, looking up to meet his eyes. “Is that a yes?”

Daniel didn’t use words. Instead, he leaned down to press his lips against hers. It was soft, barely explorative, and it wasn’t enough.
