Page 77 of Fakecation

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But she was disappointed.

“I need to shower,” he said. “Sorry about . . . that.”

“It’s fine. It was bound to happen.”

“Still. I wasn’t thinking.” He got up before she could say anything else. She let out a groan. What would have happened if she’d just kept her mouth shut? Would he have gone further?

And did she want him to?

She got up and went to get a glass of water and take her medicine. She needed to be in top mental condition not to climb him like a tree.

But she was beginning to wonder if she’d do it anyway.

“So, how was your date?”

She jumped and nearly choked on her water. “Mom! Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

“Sorry. I just had to ask. You guys were gone almost all night.” She winked.

“You know, sometimes it’s weird that you’re not more protective,” she said as she put her pill bottle back into her purse.

“You’re a grown woman, and I’m happy for you, honey. This was what I wanted for you all along.”

Amelia gritted her teeth. Everything was so complicated right now. She didn’t know how to share in her mom’s excitement over anything.

“Thanks,” she said.

“Is everything okay?”

“You know me.” She shrugged, trying to shake off her bad mood. “I’m not my usual happy self before coffee.”

“I’d say let’s fix that, but we’re out of the free stuff. And we’re only here a little longer, so buying more isn’t worth it.”

“It’s fine,” Amelia said. “I’ll survive.”

“So, how was the date?” her mom repeated. “What did you do?”

“We mostly did what you told him I liked. We went to the Angel Oak tree, and then to Hampton Park, and this beautiful restaurant in an old church—”

“Hold on. You did all of those things? I only told him about one of the pretty trees and ice cream.”

“Yeah, we did all of that.” Her cheeks burned.

“Did you enjoy it?”

“Of course I did. It was a perfect date. He even found the ice cream shop we went to when I was little.”

“He did?” Her mom smiled. “Oh, I was hoping it was still open. He has some good detective skills.”

“He’s smart.”

Almost too smart for me. The thought hit her like a truck, and she looked down at her feet.

Her mother caught it. “Oh, honey, don’t get into your own head. You two are adorable.”

“Right,” she said. “I’m sure we are.”

“I think this is the start of something great. Is it too soon to invite him back next year?”
