Page 12 of Fakecation

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“A week.”

“A week? You couldn’t even spend a week with your wife, much less a stranger.”

“So, I shouldn’t do it, right?”

“I’m not saying that . . .”

“Then, what are you saying?” Frustration seeped into his voice.

“I’m saying that this is so out of character for you. Now, me? Five years ago? Yeah, I would have pulled a stunt like this, but not you.”

“I know this is out of character, but Dad is about to drop a serious bomb on my life. I don’t want pity, Terri.”

“I know you don’t,” she said sympathetically. “And I’m not against the idea, but I also seriously doubt you’re the kind of person who can spend a week with some random woman.”

“I know I’m not, but as far as I know, Amelia is reasonable. We’re going to dinner tonight to talk more details.”

“Okay, that’s a good sign,” she said. “Hopefully, you can learn a little more about her. If you get any . . . Lucinda-type vibes from her, then don’t go.”

“So, you’re saying I should do it?”

“I think you should try it. Maybe doing something out of character is exactly what you need right now.”

“That’s what it feels like.”

“Then take a risk. Be a little more like your older sister.”

“Didn’t you get stuck with a truck driver in Montana?”

“Yes, but I also met Chrissy there.”

Daniel rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t help the glimmer of hope that he felt. Maybe this stunt would help him find the happiness and stability that Terri had.

“Okay, then I’ll go to this dinner and see how I feel.”

“Keep me posted about it.”

“Also, don’t tell Mom.”

“I would never. She would kill you. Oh, Tommy, honey, Play-Doh doesn’t go in your—Daniel, I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.”

Daniel laughed and said his goodbyes to his sister. After he got off the phone, he wondered what the dinner would bring. Maybe Amelia would have some sort of red flag he could catch before it all started.

Or maybe she didn’t, and he would get to go on a vacation after all.

Chapter Three


With Metro Café’s bright lights and loud music, Amelia wouldn’t call it a first choice for a date. Not that this was one.

She figured something more casual would be better for her and Daniel. She didn’t know what it was called when two people were discussing fake dating, but it certainly wasn’t fancy-dinner worthy.

The two of them walked in around five-thirty. The cafe was usually its busiest at breakfast, so it was empty when they arrived. A bored-looking hostess led them to a table near a window.

Daniel was as aloof as ever, and now that Amelia had a few hours to think on it, she had a few concerns.

The main one being how they had only ever interacted as coworkers. Her family would see right through them if that continued. When she was with Andrew, they had been all over each other, and if she and Daniel couldn’t at least walk close together, her family would immediately tell her she was with the wrong guy.
