Page 13 of Fakecation

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She blinked out of her thoughts. Both Daniel and the waitress were looking at her expectantly. “What?”

“Sorry, she’s had a rough day at work,” he explained with a smile she had never seen before. Wide and bright, it was so different from the small one she had seen earlier that day. It radiated charisma. “What are you having to drink?”

Amelia inwardly screamed. Did she seriously just zone out so bad that she didn’t even notice their waitress? Andrew would’ve yelled at her for a mistake like that.

“Um, water, please,” she said and waited for the waitress to walk off before adding, “I promise I’m not usually rude to waitstaff.”

“I know,” Daniel said. “If memory serves, you gave a $50 tip out of your own pocket to a pizza delivery driver. It was talked about so much that even I heard it.”

“When was that?”

Daniel shrugged. “Like a year ago? It’s one of the very few things I know about you.”

She was surprised he knew anything about her at all.

“I don’t even remember it, but it’s something I’d do.”

They lapsed into silence and she busied herself with looking at the menu. The waitress came back, and they both ordered breakfast platters, despite the fact that it was evening.

“So, tell me about this trip,” Daniel said, looking at her. “And about your family.”

“Right.” Time to get down to business. “So, my family has a tradition of going to the beach every year. My parents live about an hour away from here, so we don’t get to hang out all the time, especially since I was promoted to director.”

Daniel nodded, lips pressed together. The hours they both pulled were long, and Amelia wondered if his had anything to do with his failed marriage.

Nope. No. She wasn’t going to be asking questions about that. It was none of her business.

“Anyway, we’re going to Folly Beach.”

Daniel nodded. “You said that. It seems very relaxing.”

“My dad knows an owner of a condo there that can fit my whole family. So, each year, we go to try to get some family time. Fair warning, my dad is going to want to pay for food. I mean, unless your wife took all your money, I’m sure your salary is enough to cover that, but . . .” She stopped, realizing what she was saying.

Daniel was still only looking at her. He didn’t look mad, but he also didn’t look happy.

“I am so sorry,” she apologized. “I need to stop talking before I say more stupid things.”

“I’m not offended.”


“In fact, the opposite. I’m very tired of people treating me as if I’m going to break at any time.”

Amelia nodded. She could understand that. She blew out a relieved breath.

“But no, I am very fortunate that I don’t have to pay my ex-wife alimony.” His lips pressed together, as if the reason why he didn’t have to pay alimony wasn’t a good one. “I can pay for my own food.”

“I can too, but my parents are incredibly stubborn. Plus, you’re the first guy I’ve let them meet in five years, so be prepared for special treatment. If you go through with this, that is.”

“None of your exes made the cut?”

“No, it’s not that. I just haven’t dated in five years.”

“How come?” he asked. Amelia raised her eyebrows, not expecting it to be a topic of conversation. He noticed, and his cheeks turned slightly pink. “I mean . . . you’ve obviously had options.”

“What does that mean?” she asked, tilting her head to one side.
