Page 11 of Fakecation

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“You will never guess what I am about to do,” Daniel told her.

“Murder our father,” Terri said, her voice level.

“Maybe soon, but I think I’m going to pretend to be a coworker’s boyfriend.”

There was silence on the line and then a laugh. “No way.”

“I’m serious. She asked me to.”


“Something about a lie she told her mom. I’m not too sure of the details, but Dad is going public with Lucinda.”

“Wait, seriously?”

“Yes, and if I can have a pretend girlfriend, it’ll make life so much easier for me at the office.”

“And why’s that?”

“Because it’ll look like I have moved on.”

“Okay . . . I’m kind of following now. So, why tell me this?”

His fingers trailed over his desk nervously. “I think this is the wildest thing I’ve ever done. Are you about to convince me out of it?”

“I mean . . . Honestly, this isn’t any worse than what our father did. What’s this woman’s name?”

“Amelia Rogers.”

“A . . . meeeelia Rog-erssss.”

“Are you looking her up?”

“Of course.” There was a pause. “Oh, hey, she’s really hot.”

“Terri, you’re married.”

“But we can still appreciate other people. It’s like art, and this woman is definitely something. Does she look as good in person as she does in photos?”

“Better,” he said, his voice low. He hadn’t even seen her in any photos, but he simply knew the answer was yes, judging by the way he’d stared at her as she was leaving the office.

“Cute. You’ve even noticed how pretty she is. When would you start this whole charade?”


“Wait, why Saturday?”

“Because I would also be going on her family vacation as her fake boyfriend.”

“Am I being pranked right now?” Terri asked. “There is no way you would say yes to something like that.”

“I do need a vacation, Terri.”

“I mean, yes, you do, but seriously? You’re going on vacation with this woman?”

“That was part of the deal,” he explained. “I help her out and she helps me out.”

“How long will you be gone?”
