Page 76 of Grumpy Makes Three

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“You two are living the life.” Jud made small talk for a few more minutes and then paused as Mom spoke. “No, ma’am. We know better than to believe what they write in the papers. I can’t believe anyone who knows your daughter would be stupid enough to think those things about her.”

I slipped around him and closed myself in the bathroom. Turning on the shower, I sat on the toilet lid and buried my face in my hands as I broke down. Barely a full minute passed before Jud let himself into the bathroom and was kneeling in front of me, holding my face.

“I’m sorry, sweet girl.”

“No,I’msorry. This is all my fault, Jud. I didn’t do everything Joe and Collin think I did but Ididlie. I didn’t have anywhere else to go and I saw it as an opportunity to live somewhere amazing for the summer and get back at you guys for getting me fired. I never meant to fall for anyone and I never meant for all this to go wrong. I just wanted to prank you guys and live in the house I’d always loved to look at from across the lake.” Bitterness ate away at me as I thought about Jules. Julie. “I thought she was my friend. I talked to her as my friend and she made it all sound so nefarious. And those pictures… I’m naked in that picture, Jud, and it’s just out there for everyone to look at and pick apart.”

“You lied but it never really mattered, Ada. You’re the best fucking nanny this family ever had. You got my brothers to be dads to their kids. You got me to come out of hiding to be with Milo more. You brought us all together.” He wiped my tears and sighed. “You’re the best thing that ever happened to this family, Ada. I knew that a decade ago and I know it now. I love you. I think I always have and I know I always will.”

I cried even harder. “You love me? You can’t. You can’t love me, Jud. Your brothers hate me. The kids probably hate me. Look at where I’ve got you. In this hotel room with Milo losing his mind from the boredom and living out of snack machines.”

“Too bad. I do love you. The rest will sort itself out.” He sighed. “As for Julie Mayhew… I don’t know how but she’ll get her karma for hurting you. And that photo… I’ve already got a lawyer going after everyone for that shit.”

“You have a lawyer?”

He laughed. “Yeah, I have a lawyer. Why?”

“You’re an artist and I just… I never pictured you with a lawyer… I don’t know why I’m focusing on that. It doesn’t matter. I was just surprised.” I searched his face for any signs of regret over where he was sitting but didn’t see a single one. “I love you, too, Jud. I shouldn’t say it. I shouldn’t let you stay here with me. I should make you go back to your family. I just can’t right now. I’m not strong enough.”

“You could never be strong enough to get rid of me, Ada. Now tell me you love me again without all the bullshit after it.”

I pressed my forehead to his. “I love you.”

A smile lit up his face. “Again.”



Judhadtakenacall outside of the room and when he came back in, he looked stressed. He ran his hands down his face and sat on the side of the bed to pull his shoes on. “I have to meets the twins and Kendall downstairs.”

I sat up, jarring Milo from where he’d been leaning on my stomach to watch TV. “What? Why are they downstairs?”

Milo tried to push me back down. “Mi-wo was comfy, Aya.”

“They ran away.” He sighed. “As much as it can be called running away when they took a town car here.”

I gasped. “What? No, they didn’t. You’re kidding, Jud. Please, tell me you’re kidding.”

“Nope. Stay put. I’ll be right back.” He leaned down and planted a kiss on my mouth before hurrying out the door.

I looked down at Milo and saw him staring back at me with his arms crossed over his chest. “Sorry, buddy. Kendall, Avery, and Alex are here. Do you want to see them?”

He sighed. “Mi-wo watching TV.”

The kid loved watchingShark Tankand I’d been so thankful when he finally settled into something besides being angry. I held up my hands and pointed to the TV. “I won’t stop you.”

I paced in front of the door and listened for sounds of Jud and the kids. I hadn’t realized just how much I’d missed them until I hear Kendall’s voice. I jerked open the door and Kendall immediately ran into my arms. I hugged her tight and then opened my arms wider for Alex and Avery to join in. I’d been so worried that they hated me for what they were hearing or for how I hadn’t said goodbye before I left. Getting to hug them again made my chest ache and my eyes burn.

“I’ve missed you guys so much. I’m so sorry I had to leave without saying goodbye. I wanted to. It was just-”

“Dad made you leave. I heard him. I heard him shouting that night. I tried to come out to see you but-”

“Kenny, no. I’m so sorry you had to hear that. Your dad was just really upset and he was having a bad day.” I pulled back and looked at the three of them. “God, I’ve really missed you guys. How are you? Are you doing okay at camp? How’s Beck?”

“You don’t have to lie for him, Ada. He’s an asshole.” Kendall crossed her arms and walked around me to get farther into the hotel room. “He’s been worse than ever. He even went into your studio, Uncle Jud.”

“Don’t call your dad-”

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