Page 38 of Montana Healing

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He gives me a reassuring nod. “That's all I can ask for, Tyler. Now, let’s move on to your knee exercises.” He pats the cushion beside him. “Have a seat, and we’ll get started.”

I shuffle over and sit down, my knee already aching in anticipation. “You know these exercises never really help, right?”

Dr. Carmine smiles knowingly. “Humor me today. Let’s do them with full concentration. Trust the process.”

I reluctantly extend my leg and start the first stretch, feeling the resistance almost immediately. Dr. Carmine guides me through each movement, correcting my form and encouraging me to breathe deeply. “Focus on each stretch,” he advises. “Feel the muscles lengthening and contracting. Pay attention to your body.”

It’s a struggle at first. My mind keeps drifting back to Sarah and the tangled mess of our relationship. But gradually, I start to settle into the rhythm of the exercises. Dr. Carmine’s steady voice keeps me anchored, and for the first time in a while, I find myself fully present in the moment.

“Good,” he says, as I move through the final set. “You’re doing great, Tyler. Keep going.”

I grit my teeth and push through the discomfort, driven by a sudden determination to prove to myself that I can handle this—the exercises, the pain, the emotional turmoil. Maybe, just maybe, if I can conquer this, I can figure out a way to balance my feelings for Sarah with the professional boundaries we need to maintain.

After an eternity, Dr. Carmine finally says, “That’s enough for today. Well done.” He gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “I know it’s tough, but you’re physically and emotionally progressing. Keep trusting the process, and we’ll get through this together.”

I nod, feeling a strange mix of relief and exhaustion. “Thanks, Doc.”

“Anytime, Tyler. Remember, one step at a time.” He smiles, and for the first time today, I find myself returning the gesture, feeling a flicker of hope amidst the confusion.

Chapter 18


Navigating Doubts

I sit in the bustling theater with Timmy perched beside me, nearly bouncing excitedly.

The auditorium is overflowing with children and their gleeful chatter, the air thick with the buttery scent of popcorn and the occasional rustle of candy wrappers.

Grandparents and parents fill the rows, eagerly awaiting the new cartoon action movie that has every child's imagination running wild. Timmy has a giant Coca-Cola in his cup holder and a big bag of popcorn on his lap, devouring it as the opening trailers flash across the screen.

While the vibrant previews enthrall Timmy, my mind can’t seem to escape a loop of negative thoughts about last night. Tyler got under my skin with his behavior. All I did was mention that I had dinner covered, and he blew up, seeming to take it as an insult or challenge. His insistence on turning it into a petty squabble left me wondering what I could have said to set him off like that.

It's not like Tyler to be so argumentative over something so trivial. As Timmy crunches away happily, seemingly oblivious to anything but the screen, I scrutinize every second of that conversation. Tyler's face, contorted in frustration, keeps flashing in my memory. What if this outburst wasn't really about dinner? Is there something else weighing on him that I’m not seeing?

Part of me feels for him, battling whatever inner demons have made him irritable. But another part of me—a guiltier part—relishes this brief respite from our tensions. With Timmy's innocent laughter echoing in my ears, I can focus on being the fun, carefree chaperone he likes spending time with... without the cloud of my and Tyler’s issues hovering above us.

Yet here I am, feeling almost traitorous for enjoying this moment of peace away from the deepening strain Tyler’s presence has brought lately. His anger last night, irrational as it was, hints at a more profound disquiet, something festering beneath the surface that I'm unsure how to address.

Hopefully, he will address the issue at the next therapy session or bring it up today to discuss it.

Timmy’s animated voice snaps me back to the present moment, though the weight of my thoughts continues to pull me under. It’s hard to shake off the unease from last night's argument with Tyler. The more I think about it, the more unsettled I feel. Tyler's inexplicable frustration over something as trivial as dinner gnaws at me, leaving a bitter taste.

I can't help but feel annoyed at the underlying notion that Tyler doesn't like it when I take charge of things myself. His reaction made it painfully clear that my independence might be a trigger for him. For a moment, I tried to remind myself that his offer to bring dinner was a sweet gesture, and maybe he just misinterpreted my response. But how he completely dismissed my assurance that I had dinner covered left me baffled and slightly angry.

Part of me wanted to believe he was just stressed about something else, and my comment accidentally hit a nerve. But another part of me, the part that's getting harder to ignore, questions if this will become a recurring pattern with Tyler. That thought turns my stomach. I can't imagine being with someone for the long haul who constantly overrides my decisions. It feels controlling.

As I watch Timmy engrossed in the movie, I suppress a sigh. My mind drifts back to the intensity in Tyler's eyes, his tone brimming with unspoken tension. What if this behavior is just the beginning? If he can't handle something as simple as me having dinner sorted, what happens when more significant issues arise? Will he always react this way, looking for a fight over my attempts to manage my life?

It's not like I want to shut him out, but as my thoughts swirl, the idea of a future where I'm constantly second-guessing myself because of how Tyler might react is terrifying. I cherish my independence, and the notion of having it eroded bit by bit by someone who should be my partner in freedom feels like a slow suffocation.

Maybe we can reach a middle ground and communicate better without these misunderstandings spiraling into conflict. But my faith in that possibility wavers as I recall his harsh words and dismissive attitude.

Timmy shrieks in delight as something spectacular happens on screen, pulling me from my spiraling thoughts. I shoot him a quick smile, trying to hold onto this moment of peace a little longer before the looming conversation with Tyler dominates my mind again.

Timmy’s hand brushes mine as he digs in the popcorn, snapping me back to the present. His eyes are wide and sparkling with joy, and I can’t help but smile at him. Despite the turmoil raging within me, there's a flicker of clarity.

Being with Timmy right now, sharing in his pure, untainted excitement, is precisely where I need to be. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll figure out a way to help Tyler fight his battles without losing myself in the process.

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