Page 39 of Montana Healing

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Hours later, I returned a hyper and excited Timmy home, and he burst into the house in search of Mrs. Carolyn, who he found sitting in the living room watching soap operas.

“Mrs. Carolyn! Guess what? The movie was so awesome! And after that, Sarah took me for pizza and ice cream!” Timmy's voice echoes through the house, a delightful change to the tension I've felt regarding Tyler.

Mrs. Carolyn looks up, a warm smile spreading across her face. “Did she now? Sounds like you had quite the adventure, Timmy. Come, tell me all about it!”

As Timmy animatedly narrates his day, Tyler walks into the living room. He sees me, and I can see hesitation in his eyes.

“Sarah, can we talk in private for a moment?” he asks.

I nod, feeling a flutter of anxiety. “Sure, Tyler.”

Mrs. Carolyn engages Timmy further, asking him about his favorite parts of the movie as Tyler leads me out to the backyard. We sit on the patio, the cool evening breeze brushing against our skin.

“Listen, Sarah,” Tyler begins, his voice soft yet strained. “I want to apologize for my behavior last night. I shouldn’t have snapped at you.”

I relax slightly, appreciating the effort he's making. “I understand, Tyler. But I only wanted to make things easier for you when you offered to bring me dinner. You'd had rehab practice at the ranch with Bill, and I thought you might value some time with Timmy last night.”

“But you don’t get it,” he snaps, his composure breaking. “I feel slighted because I only wanted to bring you dinner. Are you saying my efforts aren’t good enough?”

I take a deep breath, trying to keep my voice level. “Tyler, I never implied that. I truly appreciate the gesture. I just wanted you to focus on having some downtime and relaxation.”

“Relax?” he retorts, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “Maybe my rehabilitation for my injury or being a single father is turning you off. Is that it?”

I feel my frustration rising. “Tyler, don’t put words in my mouth! I never said anything like that. Why do you always assume the worst?”

“Because it feels like you’re always trying to manage everything – including me! It’s like you don’t think I can handle anything alone. I don't mind you being my therapist at the office, but I expect you to be my woman outside of that!" His voice raises, anger boiling just beneath the surface.

“That's not true!” I exclaim, shaking my head. “I know you’re capable, but that doesn’t mean you must do it alone. Can’t you see I’m just trying to support you?”

He runs a hand through his hair, sighing heavily. “I just... it’s hard. Sometimes, I feel like you’re more of a crutch than a partner.”

His words hit me like a physical blow. “I’m sorry you feel that way, Tyler. But this isn’t just about you. I also need to express my independence without feeling like I’m doing something wrong. I wouldn't say I like feeling micromanaged or controlled. I appreciate you thinking of me enough to bring my dinner, but I want you to respect me when I say I have things under control.”

He looks down as if he’s struggling to find the right words. “Maybe there’s a middle ground we can find. I don’t want to fight with you, Sarah. I'm fighting with myself enough, perhaps taking it out on you. I feel less of a man with this injury, and if you don't think of me that way, I shouldn't treat you as if you do.”

I reach out, touching his arm gently. “Me too, Tyler. We must talk openly without jumping to conclusions about each other’s intentions. Communication is key.”

He nods, a trace of a smile forming on his lips. “You’re right. I guess we both have some learning to do.”

Relief sweeps through me like Vitamin D entering my veins from things becoming resolved between us. Silence engulfs us for a bit while we relish in the tension slowly melting away.

"I also believe I need to pick back up with therapy. It's obvious that I have some emotional issues that I need to get off my chest and talk through rather than keep it bottled in to attack you with."

"We can go back to doing therapy once a week, even during weeks you feel well enough that you don't think you need it. Not all sessions have to be marred with negative thoughts or worries. You can also talk about positive things in therapy as well."

"Is that so, Dr. Marlene?" He flirts with me, as a flash of heat graces my cheeks from blushing. I lean in to peck his lips in happiness, making up for our fight.

"Yes, that is so. I want you to understand that you can always come to me, regardless of your feelings. Whether it's during therapy or outside of it, I want you to remember that I am here for you."

"I know..." He nods his head as shame flashes across his face. "I just feel so awful about last night. I've never felt this way about someone before, and I guess that is when you think about doing thoughtful things for people who aren't your family or fans. It's a different feeling. Especially when it involves a romantic partner."

I grab his hand to hold in mine because I can tell he's still beating himself up. He upset me greatly yesterday, but he's already apologized and held himself accountable. That's the most important thing when someone is self-aware of themselves - to own up to something they did, said, or the way they've behaved.

"Tyler, it's fine. We must remember that communication is key to this foundation and the future we're building together. No one is perfect. Everyone has a bad day, and yesterday just happened to be yours. I'm here with you now, saying I understand and forgive you. But it's also important that we talk this out so that this doesn't become normal in our relationship. What is the root of your anger from last night?"

Tyler hesitates before sighing heavily.

"I just feel pushed aside. Like I'm not even good enough to bring you dinner. I know I had a full day between rehab and practice, which had me at the ranch all day. But I wanted to see you and bring you dinner to spend five minutes with you before heading home. My body and mind took a beating yesterday, and I just wanted to seek comfort from seeing your face. Being in your presence."

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