Page 56 of Franco DeLuca

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The disgusted look on her face tore me apart both times she’d seen me without a shirt. The first time was by accident. The last time wasn’t. It was important that Kennedy got a good view of the entire package. Not sure how I thought we’d have a beautiful life together if I was harboring secrets. It was time to bring her into my darkness. The way her hands slid across my skin the second time I allowed her to touch me brought out all my raw emotions. Her tenderness only made me love her more. I never thought I’d love again after Peter tried to kill me.

The beautiful strong black woman exhibited compassion and love. I could feel it in her touch. See it in her eyes. My skin looked like shredded beef, but she stomached my beastly appearance. And for that, I’d give her the world.

“Lungy, I’d like to get home to my woman. You and I have been at this for two days.”

I rested a gloved hand on the leather apron from my spot at the opposite end of the mahogany-colored Italian dining room table. My team had removed the cream-colored chairs from the room. This was a great place to set up a torture chamber. I felt it was fitting to kill him in his mansion.

“Fuck you,” he barked through bared teeth. His wrists and ankles jerked against the zip ties.

Where did he think he was going? Nowhere. He had to pay for all he’d done. I also wanted answers.

“My cousin Enzo will be ecstatic to learn we run Eugene city too. Thanks for growing the DeLuca territory.” I smirked palming the blow torch in my free hand.

Lungy didn’t look like his pretty boy self anymore. He sat in only his soiled boxers. Blood streaked his spiky blond hair. My men had worked him over pretty good when I first arrived. Only one blue eye stared back at me. Red and blue bruises covered the other eye that was swollen shut. Bonnie removed five of his teeth. To represent the fifth time someone tried to kill me since I’d taken the Portland throne. I was only twenty-nine. It felt like they were trying to kill me before I reached my thirtieth birthday in December.

“Did you think if you killed me, you’d run Portland too?” My dark laughter filled the room. “If you would’ve succeeded, one of my cousins would’ve taken over the territory. Once a DeLuca runs a territory, it’s ours permanently.”

I stood. “So, who else was in on the plan to kill me? I’m aware Orazio wanted Portland too. I’ll pay him a visit next. Is there an outside player?” I asked as I sauntered toward him, turning the blow torch off and on.”

He held his head high. “Just me.”

I halted before him, shaking my head. “You’re lying. I feel it in my bones. There’s someone else. It’s ok. You’ll endure all the pain. Clip, let’s finish this,” I stated, staring at Lungy.

“This all started when Porter tried taking me out.”

His brows lowered. “Who?”

I waved a finger at him. “See. That’s how I know there’s someone else in on this plan.”

“Why are you protecting the asshole? It’s only a matter of time before I find them.” I turned the knob on the blow torch. The blue flame brought a smile to my face.

He winced. “I’ll never tell.”

Fisting his blond hair, I held his gaze. “I’ve saved this discussion for last. My life took a sharp turn a few weeks ago. I met a woman. She had a mouth on her. She didn’t give a fuck that I was Franco DeLuca. That turned me on.”

I noticed Clip and Ettore placed the iron bowl on its stand to my left.

“So, I took her home. She became my captive until I could straighten out the mess with a business associate. Duke couldn’t behave like a civilized person. He shot up our investment. I digress. Kennedy was all I could think about once she was under my roof. I quickly realized I had to make her mine. There was no letting her go. On top of all of that, she’s a total bad ass. See, when your men fired their weapons in my parking lot, they attempted to kill the San Antonio Kingpin’s daughter.”

His eyes widened. “What?”

“Yeah, I know. What an interesting twist. She left home to start over. Kennedy didn’t want to kill for her father anymore. She and I had so much fun in Derwin’s office. She loves to kill. On her own accord. Not because someone orders her to kill. The woman is so skilled with knives. I can’t wait to watch her torture when she’s ready.”

I waved the flame along his arm.

“Ah,” he screamed.

“Long story short. I am going to marry that woman,” I yelled over his cries.

“You almost killed the woman I vowed to protect. My woman!” I roared, watching the fire turn his skin to a bubbling mess.

“I’ll kill any man who tries to take her from me.” My wild eyes bore into his. “That’s a promise.”

I released his hair, turned off the blow torch, and sat it on the table.

“Guys, move his chair away from the table.”

Clip and Ettore picked up his chair. The plastic crunched under their boots as they placed it a few feet away from the table.

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