Page 149 of Lead Us To Temptation

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Forseti shrugged,

“And that would be?”

This time Gabriel cut in,

“We need to know the truth about when Lucifer fell.”

Forseti nodded as a smirk crossed her face.

“It’s about damn time.”

Forseti peered over my shoulder, a slight smile brushed her face as she took in Catalina and asked,

“And who might this be?”

My Own.

Gabriel answered her before I could,

“She is a friend of mine. She also has some questions Lucifer needs to answer.”

Forseti stared at Catalina and beamed a bright smile at her,

“Well, any friend of Gabriel’s is a friend of mine. It is nice to meet you.”

Forseti extended a hand to Catalina. She hesitated for a brief moment but ultimately she took Forsetti’s hand.

“Well, shall we get started?”

We made our way to the seating area and I tried to grab Catalina’s hand but she quickly moved out of my grasp and sat across from me and next to Forseti.

You’ll see. I never lied to you. I Promise.

Gabriel took the seat next to me.

“So how do we do this?” I asked.

“Just tell me your side of the story and I will be able to tell if you are lying or not.”

“How can you tell?” Catalina asked. Her voice was soft and hesitant as if she was skeptical if this would work or not.

“Oh, it’s quite simple. While someone is telling me their version of events I can get inside their head. See, to tell a story there has to be a memory and I can tap into those memories. In a way, it’s sort of like time traveling but not really. They might be able to lie through their mouths and words but they cannot lie in their memories. And if a lie is told it’s a feeling I will get. Usually, it feels cold and I’ll get goosebumps, other times it’ll get warm. Either way, my body will have a physical reaction if a lie is told.”

Forseti looked at me, amusement in her eyes,

“Let’s begin.”

Just be open and honest with her.

I looked up at Catalina and instantly my nerves were gone. I didn’t care that everyone else in the world thought I was the bad guy. I didn’t mind taking that role and frankly, I didn’t give a damn what people thought and I had come to terms with my fate. I had accepted that no one would know the truth and would go about their days believing a lie but for some reason having Catalina think of me as this villain that would use her, that would treat her as some pawn in some grand scheme, destroyed a part of me. I didn’t care what I had to do or what would even come after but I would make sure she at least knew the whole truth about everything. About me.

“I’m sure Micheal told you about the war and all the Gods coming together and starting a new version of the world.”

She nodded her head.

“I had no issues with any mortals during my time with my family. To be quite honest I couldn’t care less about them. To me, you were all just another one of many creations that were made. I had much more pressing matters to attend to, like figuring out how to run an entire kingdom and its people.”

A kingdom I hope you will get to see one day and people I know you would love.

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