Page 150 of Lead Us To Temptation

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“One day I was out and I began to hear a voice. At first, it was so quiet it seemed like a child’s whisper. Throughout the day the voice kept speaking yet still in that small whisper and I had had enough and decided to listen to it. It was a girl begging and pleading for anyone who was listening to help her. I followed the voice and it led me to the mortal world and found her. Lilith.”

Lilith, please forgive me.

“She was alone sitting on the edge of a cliff, her face bloody and bruised. I asked if she needed help and she had asked me to end her. I asked for her name and she told me her name was Lilith and that she was here with her husband Adam. Immediately I knew I could not end her, so I told her I could help heal her and she agreed. I had asked her how many times this had happened and she disclosed that it happened quite often and she had tried many times to find a way out but Adam had always found her. I healed her and I told her if she needed me again then to just call out as she did this time and I would come and help her. Weeks went by and practically once a week Lilith called on me,”

Here we go. We can do this.

“Each time it seemed Adam was getting more and more violent and I worried about her so I started asking around, mainly to healers to see if there was anything I could give her that would help her long-term. Unfortunately, they knew of nothing that could help. So I just continued what I always did, healed her when she called on me. I made one mistake and that was telling Micheal that I could not understand how someone our father created could treat another one of his creations like that and that I wanted nothing more than to wipe people like that off the map. Lilith had called on me again and when I saw her broken, mutilated, bloody body on the ground, thrown as if she were just some piece of trash, I snapped, I healed her of course and she told me what happened. I will not repeat what Adam did. It is Lilith’s story to tell and not mine. I told her there was a place she could hide, where she would be safe from Adam and would never have to worry about him again. She of course was more than happy to leave but was concerned about her gift of immortality, As long as she served Adam she would remain Immortal. Pretty simple words to maneuver around.”

I will never forget how Lilith looked that day, but only she can say what happened. I swore I would never tell what Adam did to her and that is a promise I will not break.

“To this day Lilith technically serves Adam, She has not married another and neither one of them has officially detested their marriage. So immortal she remains. I took her to a safe place where she could rest and recover, she swore that day to repay me for saving her. I needed a General and despite everything she had been through, I could tell Lilith was strong, smart, and clever, so I made her the Lead General of my armies. Granting her entrance into Hell and before anyone could detest my decision my father and Micheal requested my presence. Next thing I knew Micheal and my father were accusing me of wanting to end the mortals, Micheal himself using my words against me, he told our father of what I said to him the one day when I returned from healing Lilith, but he twisted my words. If my father had just asked what I meant I would have told him that I couldn’t understand how one of his creations could harm another so badly and not feel an ounce of remorse and how it would be better for everyone if Adam disappeared. Apparently, Micheal’s word meant more than mine and my father banished me and informed me that I would be locked out of Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell. My home. Unless I gave Lilith back to Adam.”

That was something I would never do. I would not deliver her to the hands of that monster. Not back then, not now, not ever.

“I could not do that to her. I would not hand her over to the man who had tormented and abused her. And so I fell and I have been here ever since.” We were silent for a few moments before Gabriel looked to Forseti and asked,


Forseti was still for a few moments tilting her head to the side as she nodded,

“He is telling the truth.”

I saw the shock and astonishment in Gabriel’s eyes as he turned to me,

“So you never wanted the mortals dead?”

“The only mortals I have wanted dead are any that have caused her harm.” I pointed to Catalina as her eyes briefly caught mine before she turned away.

“He is telling the truth,” Forseti said

Gabriel asked again “So you never threatened Adam or to harm the mortals?”


“He’s telling the truth.”

Finally, Catalina leaned forward, her eyes still locked on mine. There was still a hint of rage in her eyes, yet there was something else, something that she was trying her best to hide as she spoke,

“Have you faked any feelings for me at all and did you know about how to open the lock?”

Eyes locked on Catalina, I answered

“I never knew any information about opening the lock and I never lied or faked my feelings for you. Ever.”

“He’s telling the truth.”

For a moment everyone was silent until Gabriel asked,

“Do you… Do you love Catalina, Lucifer?”

“Yes,” I said without hesitation, my eyes never leaving hers.

“And I will continue to love her even after I take my last breath.”

Gabriel looked over to Forseti,

“He’s telling the truth.”

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