Page 148 of Lead Us To Temptation

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He is not the only one hearing your side.

“Do you want us to believe you or not?”

I glanced back to the small girl who held my heart,

Do it. Do it for her.

“Very well, which one of your exasperating friends are we meeting with?”

Gabriel smirked,

“Forseti, You remember her don’t you?”

Well damn.

“Who is Forseti?” Catalina asked

“Forseti is The Norse God of Justice, Peace, and Truth. She should be able to tell if I am being truthful or deceitful.”

“Well, how do we get a hold of her?” Catalina asked.

Gabriel shrugged and replied,

“It’s quite easy. Modern world, modern technology. Unlike The Fates, some of us enjoy the modern world and all its advances.” Gabriel excused himself to call his friend. Leaving Catalina and I alone. I couldn’t wait a second longer and pulled Catalina closer and wrapped my arms around her.

“I am so sorry I didn’t tell you about the rest of the vision. I just…I didn’t want you to think that I was just using you and I didn’t want you to be frightened.”

This is what I was trying to avoid.

I lifted her chin to look into her eyes

“I have never lied about my feelings for you. I might have hidden them but I wanted you to make the choice on your own about how you felt. I would not be another person that took something away from you. Especially a decision about who you share your life with.”

“You swear you didn’t know about breaking the lock?” her voice was so low I could barely make out what she had said.

“I swear to you, I had no idea.”

As she closed her eyes and a small tear traveled down her cheek as I leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

“Please don’t shut me out. Yell at me, throw another dagger at my head if you want, but please do not shut me out.”

Catalina didn’t have time to reply as Gabriel entered back into the house,

“Forseti will be here in about ten minutes. For your sake Lucifer I hope you are telling the truth.”

Without taking my eyes off Catalina, I answer

“Don’t worry brother, everything eventually comes to light.”

* * *

Ten minutes later there was a light knock on the door. Gabriel rushed to the door where Forseti stood. It had been ages since I had last seen her yet she still looked the same. Her long golden hair was braided back, some pieces had fallen out effortlessly framing her face. She still wore that midnight black armor. Every aspect of her screamed that she was ready for battle yet her face was so soft. That was her biggest strength. Countless people had fallen before her because they underestimated her. They trusted and pitied those bright blue eyes and by the time they realized she wasn’t so sweet, she already had a weapon logged in their body. “Thank you for making it so quickly,” Gabriel said as he ushered her into the house.

“Care to tell me what the big emergency is for such a rush.”

Gabriel motioned for Catalina and me to step forward

“We need a favor.”

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