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As I look up at the choppy water, this feels like déjà vu. The current sweeps up seaweed and driftwood, encircling it around Kasper. My breath hitches as I think of his lifeless body, even though this time I can see his legs kicking.

“How did you get stuck out in the storm?” I ask.

“I met someone who had a book with these coordinates. It said the location has mystical properties that entice sailors. I’ve been caught out in storms before, but this one tossed me out of my boat like a ragdoll. When I tried to climb back in, the boat capsized, and I found myself gripping onto a piece that had broken off in my hand.”

“You were unconscious when I found you.”

“It’s a good job you did find me. I’m fairly certain I would’ve drowned if you hadn’t.”

“Do you remember anything else?”

“Not before you rescued me.” He shakes his head. “But I was definitely in distress.”

“And I was happy to rescue you.” Finding Kasper has changed so much. I’m glad I could save him and get to know him.

“Is that the exact emotion you felt?”

What is he getting at?

“Exposing ourselves to humans is frowned upon, so I hesitated, but I knew what I had to do.”

“Why didn’t you take me to the land?”

“With the water being so rough, I’d have had to leave the water to ensure you were safe, and I was worried I would be seen.”

“Did you see any lights or shooting stars? Anything that could’ve symbolised where the jug was?”

“I’d have told you if I had. We should look around.” Beneath the water, the shipwreck and caves lie along with the treasure chest I found many months ago. We search the whole area, leaving no corner unturned.

“Do you think the oracle could’ve been mistaken about the clue?” Kasper asks.

“No. She doesn’t make mistakes, but that doesn’t mean she told us the whole truth. We’re obviously missing something.”

“We never had a near miss or an actual kiss here. Do you think that could be it?” he asks while we both feel along the cave wall.

“Exploring the cave with you isn’t romantic, and forcing kisses is a turn-off.”

“I’m not sure those were your thoughts in Brazil.”

My face heats with embarrassment at how turned on I was that night. Kasper was the perfect gentleman, and this is the first time he’s mentioned how I reacted to him. “It’s a beautiful place and easy to become lost in.”

He moves closer to me. “And you’re beautiful too. I could get lost in you.” He strokes my hair.

“Okay, I take it back. You can change my mood at the flick of a switch.”

He sinks back into the pool and captures my lips. I can’t help the soft moan as his hard chest brushes close to mine. A tingle starts in my core, and my tail transforms into legs.

“I thought you didn’t want to get out of the water?” Kasper asks.

“I don’t. Or I didn’t.”

He gives me a puzzled look, and I’m back to feeling embarrassed. “Please don’t make me spell it out.”

He narrows his eyes. “What?”

My tail shimmers back into place. “Are you only doing this for the jug?” I ask.

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