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Chapter Nineteen



“Ahandle and two pieces of the jug is great,” I say.

“Yes, but we didn’t get a clue where the other two pieces are,” Kasper says.

“What should we do now we’re back in Haiti?”

“I think we need to check on my brother first. Then look for a hidden clue or something because we’re at a dead end.”

“Maybe if we fit the pieces together… we might have missed something.” Kasper’s been looking for a way to find the next piece since he realised it wasn’t going to be so easy.

“Yes, that’s a good idea.”

We make our way to his house and it’s quiet when we go inside. “Shit. Owen.” He rushes to where his brother is lying on the floor. “Call 118 and ask for an ambulance. The address is written on the letter on the table,” he says.

I pick up a mobile phone from the table and make the call for help.

Kasper lowers his chin to his chest. “Will you go with him?” he asks, putting his hands together in a plea.

“What about you?”

“I’m wanted, remember?”

“Okay. Yes, I’ll go.” We kiss goodbye, and I hate the pain on his face. I wish I could take it away for both of them.

When asked about medical insurance, I had to improvise by handing over my pearl earrings and necklace to a local pawn shop. I had to leave Owen while I figured out what to do, but I’m proud I could solve the problem without worrying Kasper. Once Owen’s stable, I sit with him, waiting for him to wake up. He looks peaceful but frail.

I stroke his hand, needing the comfort. Compared with my own life, Kasper and Owen have it so much harder. My father’s probably worried about me, and when I get home, I’m going to tell him how much I love him. He’s always been my rock, even if we haven’t agreed on things. I want him to be proud of me, and I’m going to talk to him about making my own decisions. Being here with Owen is making me miss him.

The doctor enters the room and pulls back the curtains to let some light into the room. He opens the window and checks Owen’s chart. “We’ve done the best we can for him, Ms Columbo,” he says, addressing me as his sister. Only family members are allowed to be with the patients, so I had to improvise.

“Thank you, Doctor. When will he wake?” I ask.

“Hopefully soon, but there’s not much else we can do for him.” He smiles, but it’s full of empathy.

I knew Owen was dying, but having someone spell it out makes it more real. He’s so young, and he seems so awesome. I don’t want him to go. Finding the jug is becoming important to me too. I want to save him. I’d like more time with them both, even if they’re moving back to England.

I’m left alone with my thoughts again and a tear slips down my face. I’m torn between wanting to go find the Aquarius clues and spend my time with Owen. I’m beginning to understand Kasper’s position. It must be tearing him apart.

It’s a couple more hours before Owen wakes, and I immediately alert the team to check on him. Once the doctor and nurse leave us alone, I say, “You gave us a scare.”

“Where is my brother?”

“He thought it best he stayed away.”

“Did you manage to find what you were looking for in Brazil?”

“Yes. We just need two more pieces.”

“That’s not what I meant.” He turns his head to look at me. “He’s going to need someone when I’m gone.” His lip quivers and I reach out to take his hand. Our fingers interlock and I hold on tight.

“Don’t talk like that,” I say. The first tear falls, and it’s like a floodgate opens as they start to stream down my face.

I’m not ready to let go. I feel like I’ve known Owen and Kasper a lot longer than I actually have. They mean more to me than merfolk I’ve known my whole life.

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