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“It’s my time, Maris.” He slumps his shoulders down.

“No, it’s not. We’re going to find the jug.” I shake my head, refusing to give up.

He rubs my hand. “But if you don’t, make sure Kasper knows it’s okay.”

“Okay.” I nod. I don’t want to think I might have to do what he’s asking, but if I do, I’ll be there for Kasper.

“Hand me my shirt.”

I blink a few times. Why does he want to get changed? “You can’t leave.”

“I have no desire to spend my final days in here.” He straightens up his posture.

“We can’t look for the jug and keep our eye on you.” I feel bad as soon as the words are out.

“I’m an adult. I don’t need a babysitter.”

“Yes, but you’re sick.” I’m making it worse, but I can’t find the right words.

He sucks in a breath then blows it out. He looks deep into my eyes. “What do you want from life?”

His question catches me off guard. “Excuse me?”

“What’s the one thing that will make you happy?”

“I… I… I don’t have an answer.”

“And I don’t have time to figure out what I would’ve liked. But right now, I’d like to see the ocean and enjoy the sun on my face. You can’t deny a dying man.”

My eyes widen. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t take everything so seriously. Now pass me my shirt.”


“You heard what the doc said. They can only make me comfortable, but they can’t do any more to help my condition.”

“He can check on you here.”

“I already told you, I don’t need a babysitter.”

“If something happens, you need to be here.”

“I’m dying. Don’t let me waste the rest of my time cooped up.”

I’m out of arguments, and to be honest, I can see his point. “Fine.” Swiping his shirt off the arm of the chair, I hand it to him. He puts on his trousers and shoes. I look away when he removes the hospital gown, but he tuts at me.

“We’re practically family, Maris.”

I smile. “I wouldn’t want to make things uncomfortable by staring at you.”

“Why? As soon as someone finds out I’m sick, they look at me differently anyway.”

“You’re still a guy.”

“Funny nobody else seems to see me that way anymore. Are you sure about that?”

“Okay, I get it. Let’s go to the beach, and I’ll call your brother to meet us there.”

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