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Chapter One



Angler fish look beautiful when it’s dark and only their headlights are glowing. They dance across the open space as the ocean carnival begins with harmonic music. This is one of my favourite nights of the year, and I struggle to contain my excitement. One of the fishes opens its bioluminescent eyes and bites into the pink balloon in front of it. Luminous colour spurts from the angler’s mouth, lighting up the sea like a firework. Four more fish follow their leader and pretty bursts of fuchsia shoot across the water.

Twirling seahorses glide up and down when the lights come back on. Vibrant shades of purple surround us, and I squeeze my best friend Pasha’s hand with excitement. “See! I knew you could pull it off,” I whisper.

“I’m glad you think so. I really want to join the royal events committee.” Pasha has always wanted a job in the performing arts sector, and now we’re eighteen, she’s making her aspirations known.

“You’re a natural,” I say as the music becomes louder and faster.

“If the princess recommends me, I might have a better chance,” she hints.

I try to applaud her work the best I can, but it’s her dedication that will give her a fighting chance of getting the job. For some reason, my father isn’t her biggest fan, and it makes it difficult for me to recommend her. “I’ll tell a few of the royals how good you are. Look at the starfish! Even they look great this year.” They tend to miss their cue, but their timings are perfect. The show finishes with all different types of fish swirling around until the music cuts off and they all scram.

My father, King Cyrus, shouts, “Welcome to the ocean carnival. The festival is now open for all to enjoy.” He spreads his arms wide. The merpeople swim towards the entertainment, leaving us watching them.

“I’m hoping to see Ryn tonight,” I say to Pasha, smiling and feeling giddy.

“When’s your father going to announce your engagement?” Pasha asks, but her smile from the carnival has vanished.

“Don’t be sad. We’ll still be able to hang out.” Since we finished school, we don’t see each other as much, but I try to make time for her.

“I know. I just wish we could choose who we marry. I’d like to have a mate I love.”

“Don’t feel bad for me. Ryn seems like a nice merman.”

“Yes, but you hardly know him.”

“That will change once we’re married.”

She frowns but tries to cover it with a fake smile. I don’t know what’s got into her lately; she doesn’t seem to be herself. It could be the stress of organising the opening sequence for the carnival, but I’m unsure. Every time I try to ask her about it, she changes the subject. “Let’s go get some clams,” she says, tugging me forward.

“Okay.” We swim into the marketplace and help ourselves to the food trays.

Butterflies start in the pit of my stomach when I realise who’s nearby. My betrothed is talking to one of his friends, and I allow myself the pleasure of admiring him. His thick bronze tail compliments my gold, womanly curves. He’s like the dark to my light. I have dirty blonde hair, whereas his hair is dark brown. I have one picture of us from New Year which shows how perfect we look together. I can imagine our beautiful merbabies completing our portrait. I’ve had a crush on him since school but only admired him from afar. It would be improper for me to do anything else. When we were matched as a couple, I couldn’t believe my luck. I knew my suitor would be from royal blood, but I had no clue it would be him. We haven’t spent much time alone yet, as father keeps me on a tight leash, but I’m optimistic we’ll be great.

“Ryn’s looking this way. I wonder if he liked my entertainment,” Pasha says. A warm blush covers her face. She’s trying so hard to get the job. I want to help her with the committee by making sure they saw her work.

“When I get a few minutes in privacy with him, I’ll put in a good word,” I say.

If Pasha’s lucky, Ryn might mention her role to his mother. She works on the royal board. We smile at him and he waves. It’s been over a week since I got time with him. My father keeps a close watch on me when he can, and it’s not acceptable for me to be seen without a female escort. I’ve tried to bring Pasha to one of our get-togethers, but it felt awkward.

We’ve been staring a while before he comes over. “Ladies,” he says.

“Hi, Ryn,” I almost sing out. It’s okay to have a crush on your future husband, right?

“Hey,” Pasha says hesitantly. I try to ignore whatever has her on edge.

“The show was great,” Ryn says, making Pasha blush.

“Be sure to recommend her to the committee,” I say.

“My mother saw the performance.” His eyes never leave Pasha’s, which I hope reassures her.

“Have you tried the clam?” I ask, offering one from my tray.

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