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“Actually, I’m hungry for something else.”

What does that mean?He isn’t looking at me, and I don’t think he’s flirting.

“I could take a swim with you.” I smile brightly, but my bubble bursts quickly.

“I have to go, but we’ll catch up later.” He hugs us goodbye, then leaves.

“I wish we had more time together,” I say with a sigh.

“He might not be everything you’re expecting him to be,” Pasha says.

“You might be feeling glum, but don’t pull me down.” I pout.

“Sorry, Maris. I’m having a strange night.” She pauses. “I’ve just remembered there’s somewhere I need to be.”

“Oh, okay then,” I say, but she’s already swimming away. It’s odd that she has to leave her debut event. I shake off the negative energy jumping around in my stomach.

My father is sitting on his events throne, and I swim to join him.

“Are you enjoying the carnival delights?” he asks. His warm smile settles me, and I try to forget my friends’ weird vibes.

“Yes. Pasha did a fabulous job with the opening ceremony,” I say, although I feel like that information is on a script. I’ve said it so many times.

“You know I don’t like you hanging out with that girl,” he says sternly.

“If only you’d give her a chance, you would see she’s kind and caring.”

“You should be socializing with royals like yourself.”

“I don’t need to now you’ve chosen me a suitor.” I’m impressed he picked Ryn. He isn’t the highest-ranking of the royal families, but he is the most handsome.

“Once you’re married, you will have no choice but to find your close circle of allies.”

“Father, you’re wrong. All these merfolk have always looked after me.”

“Not everything’s as it seems, and I hope you don’t find out the hard way.”

Why is everyone talking in riddles today?

“Don’t be such a worrywart.” We enjoy the rest of the evening together before I head to my room at bedtime. My dad is overprotective, but I know it’s because he cares.

Once the kingdom has settled, I sneak out. I’m careful not to be seen as that would damage my reputation, but I love spending time alone in the wide ocean. I take my usual path along the coral and up into the shallow water. Atlantis looks so small from up here.

When I reach the surface, it’s dark. There’s something beautiful about the moon, even if my father forbids me from coming up here. Apparently, it’s dangerous, but I’m always careful. Just like the sea, the land seems calm. I pass through the harbour, free a couple of shrimps from a net, and watch romance blossom on the beach between the humans.

The hours pass me by and the sun begins to rise. The reflection shimmers over the water and the first couple of fishermen are already approaching, which means it’s my time to leave. Now I don’t have the shadows to hide in.

A human man is walking towards a tatty boat. His facial features are hard but not unkind. I watch him climb on board the rotting wood as I leave the harbour. Why doesn’t he make a new one? It’s hard to understand humans, but I can’t exactly ask him.

I decide to make one last stop before returning to my room. It’s a secret place I haven’t told anyone about, except my best friend. I found the helm of a pirate ship just over a year ago, which is sitting on top of an unopened treasure box. It’s silly, but I like to think of it as Pandora’s treasure, and opening it would be wrong. It doesn’t belong to me and I don’t know the sacrifice made for the treasure to be left here.

Sinking down, I return to the deep blue ocean and welcome the colours of the coral. Plants on land don’t compare to the beauties under the sea. After a tricky passage through the rocks, I locate the wheel, taking a stance behind it.

A noise in the distance has me diving down toward the treasure and out of sight. Laughter echoes around the water as I clutch my chest. I’d recognise that voice anywhere. It’s Pasha. I spring up from my hiding spot. The smile on my face quickly fades. She’s with Ryn, and they look over-friendly. Their body language is almost flirtatious, and my mind fills with confusion. He’s mine, so why are they together? It’s not proper for him to be alone with a mermaid. He embraces her and pulls her into a lingering kiss. My heart moves up into my throat as the passion heats between them.

“What are you doing?” I demand.

They jolt apart, both looking away. “I’m sorry, Maris. You weren’t supposed to find out like this,” Pasha says in a high-pitched voice. The guilt of her actions is written all over her face.

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