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She takes hold of my arm and we walk to her room. As we enter, I quickly scope the room for its inventory. I spend the next hour pleasuring her until she finally falls asleep. I wipe down the surfaces and get rid of every trace of my presence. Then I help myself to her diamonds, rubies, and cash. Once I have everything she can offer, I make my exit.

The streets of Haiti are lined with poverty hidden away from tourists. People only want to see the beauty and not the cruel world hidden beneath the surface. I visit the local shop and buy some fresh bread and vegetables. I take some of them to the orphanage, where I leave it inside the door before heading home.

“You’re a disgrace. Dad would be ashamed if he could see you right now,” my older brother, Owen, says as I empty my pockets onto our small round table.

“We’ve got to eat.” I’m not proud I have to steal, but I don’t have another option. Fresh fish is the only thing I can get for free, but it’s not enough to survive on or pay our rent on our apartment in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince.

“You need to make an honest living. When I agreed to come here seven months ago, I didn’t think it would make you a criminal.” We both worked for a tech giant back home, but we didn’t realise we should’ve been saving every penny rather than blowing it all on insignificant things. Here, those skills are useless because we don’t even have a smartphone between us. We’re back to basics with a barely functional old Nokia.

“I can’t work and take the jon boat out. If I’m on land, I need to be in the library doing research. I’m going to follow another lead tomorrow.”

Lara had a guidebook that contained a picture of some rocks I want to locate. I have the coordinates, and once it’s light, I’ll set sail.

“We should go back to London. The doctors might’ve missed something.” He coughs into his hand.

Modern medicine can’t help us. Nothing short of a miracle will work now.

“Pancreatic cancer doesn’t just disappear. You can’t be cured by science.” I’m a desperate man willing to go to extreme lengths. A pain tugs at my heart. I can’t lose him. “The lost city of Atlantis is somewhere near these Caribbean Islands, I can feel it. Just give me more time.”

The doctors warned us he’d be lucky to survive until the end of the year, but I won’t give up until his last breath.

“God waits for nobody.” He coughs again, and I help him into his chair. His once lean body now looks too thin, but I push away my worry.

“I’m not giving up. The research I found on the zodiac signs looks promising. I’ll find the jug of Aquarius, and using its healing water, I’ll make you better.” I can’t hide the desperation as it seeps into my words. He closes his eyes, and I’m as tired as he is. I find a blanket to wrap around him before kissing his head. “I’ll save you.” I pat his hand, but he doesn’t move. His breathing slows as he drifts into sleep.

I pick up the tatty old book that inspired our trip and read the passage that has given me hope for the last six months. ‘A land dweller and a fish will heal the world. One sip from the Aquarius jug will heal time.’ It seemed like nonsense when I first discovered it, but there are references to the legend throughout history. Ganymede’s story of being the water healer is one I have to trust and believe. I think the Aquarius jug can turn back the clock and bring youth back to cells. I’m not talking about a strong anti-wrinkle cream. I think it can cure cancer. Breaking down the quote, if I can find the fish, maybe I can be the land dweller. Then together, we can find the jug. My brother’s life literally depends on it.

Once in the bathroom, I run the tap. It’s hard to see my reflection in the dirty mirror. I rinse my hair before wiping the glass. My sun-kissed skin isn’t from days of relaxing by the beach. It’s from the hours I’ve spent in the ocean. My blue eyes look tired, and I look older than my twenty-five years. I need to save my brother. It’s the only thing I’m living for. The lost city of Atlantis may only be a fantasy for some, but I have to believe it’s real and mermaids live there. I think the fish in question is a mermaid, and the city is their home. I have to find the water bearer or it will kill us both.

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