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“My dad’s probably already going crazy. He sent me to my room after I told him I wasn’t going to marry Ryn.”

“You sneaked out?”


“You rebel.” The playfulness is back in his voice.

I push his shoulder. “I’ve slipped out before.”

“Okay, but I bet you’ve never spent time with a human before.”

“You have me there.” I hold up my hands.

“What’s the punishment for helping someone like me?”

I cringe. “Death.”

“That’s extreme.” He laughs, but it sounds unnatural.

“Not mine.” Oh, God. I just made it worse.

“Gulp. Let’s hope your boyfriend doesn’t turn me in.”

I laugh. There’s a weird, dark-humoured vibe between us, but it almost feels like we’re flirting. “He’s not my anything anymore.”

“Does he know that?”

“I’m not sure what Ryn thinks. When I spoke to my father, it seemed I might be the one who’s wrong. He still wants us to be matched, but I’m going to stand my ground. I don’t want a relationship with him. Everyone else will have to accept it.”

“Good for you.”

I like his praise. It’s like I’ve done something great, even though I haven’t given the message to the right people. I never realised I needed someone in my corner. “Thanks.”

“But first, I’m going to give you the adventure you deserve before you have to become a queen.”

I smile. Even if this journey only takes a day, I’m happy to go on it. “I’m looking forward to it.”

For the first time since we entered the passages, there’s an opening into a bigger space. The darkness is lifted by blue light, and I can finally see Kasper’s features. His chiselled jaw and kind eyes are nice to look at. He feels along the walls as I follow him. “Are you ready?” he asks.

“For what?”

He pulls hard on a lever and a door opens. The burst of light makes us shade our eyes. “Blue obsidian will set you free,” I read from the wall once we’re inside the room.

“It’s the handle,” Kasper says, holding up a piece of clay.

“And where is the rest of it?”

“My guess is we need to find a volcano with blue obsidian.”

“On land?” I ask.

“Unless you know of any underwater volcanoes, I think the next piece is on land. Can you leave the water?”

“How do you know it’s in more than two bits? Maybe the handle just fell off.”

“Because the diagram next to where I found this part suggests we’re looking for five pieces to make the whole jug. Stop avoiding my question. You said you want adventure and to help me, so will you follow me into my territory, or are you scared?”

“I can shed my tail for a while, but I’ve never done it.”

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