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Chapter Seven



“Why does it have to be so dark in here?” I ask. We’ve been swimming in tunnels for longer than I’d like. For all I know, we’re going round in circles.

“Can you use your magic and light a spark?” Kasper asks.

I can barely see his face, but I sense his playful smile. If I could make a light, I would’ve done it instead of freaking out when the door shut behind us.

“I don’t have any magic.” I laugh.

“You saved my life, made me feel warm, and gave me the ability to breathe underwater. A small spark should be easy.”

“Those are just some of the things mermaids can do. It’s nothing special.” I shrug, although he can’t see it.

“A human can’t do those things.”

“Have you ever tried? How do you heal sick animals and plants?”

“We take them to the doctor.” He sounds so serious all of a sudden.

“Like an oracle?”

“No, like a scientist. They can use herbs for medicine, but it isn’t magic. It’s tested and proven to work.” All the playfulness is gone, and I wonder if his thoughts have turned sad.

“That sounds like an oracle to me.”

“I guess it probably does, but doctors don’t make future predictions unless it’s because you’re a ticking time bomb.”

“Is that what your brother is? I’m sorry, that was insensitive.” Death isn’t a doorstep I’ve set foot on in a long time. My mother died when I was three, and I don’t remember it well. My memories of her are like dreams.

“It’s okay. My brother has cancer. It’s not something that can be cured. Are you mortal?”

I’m relieved he’s comfortable enough to keep the conversation rolling. “Yes. Mermaids don’t live forever. We also don’t have the magic to heal your brother.”

“Unless we find the jug.”

“Yes. Finding the jug in the sea would prove me wrong.”

“What made you want to help me?”

He’s been real with me, and I want to return the favour. “To be honest, I’ve been having a rough few days and needed a way to take my mind off things.” It’s only part of the truth, but it’s the only bit I’m willing to admit.

“Is this to do with Ryn?”

“A little.” I’m so over my crush on him.

“So, tell me what’s going on.”

“I thought we weren’t doing that.” I’m only just coming to terms with the fact I can’t be who everyone wants me to be and be happy.

“I shared, so now it’s your turn.”

“Fine. I guess I could use an outside observer. My dad’s the ruler of Atlantis, and someday, the weight of leading will be on my shoulders. I’ve tried to be the kind of daughter he wants me to be, but sometimes it’s hard. I don’t want to marry a guy who doesn’t love me, and I don’t want to be the perfect example for everyone all the time. I want to be free to make mistakes and have some fun.” I feel relieved at getting that off my chest. It’s not that I want to make a mockery of my dad’s rules, but it would be nice to be able to make my own decisions some of the time.

“You should do it. Take some time off from being a princess and live a little.”

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