Page 76 of One Pucking Time

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“You really think I ghosted you?”

“You ignored me. We hooked up, and I barely talked to you again for like a year when you just suddenly showed up in the kitchen, all smiles like nothing was wrong.”

“I didn’t ghost you.” The shock on his face twisted my stomach. “I thought you weren’t interested, and the last thing I wanted to do was pressure you.”

“Why would you think I wasn’t interested?”

“Sebastian, you acted like sleeping with me was the biggest mistake of your life.”

I sucked in a breath and relived the days after our hookup. “No, I didn’t?”

“You avoided me. You told Lightning you barely knew me.” His voice cracked and my mouth went dry. “I overheard you telling Julie you didn’t think we should sit by each other on the plane that one day—”

“You heard that?”

“Why do you think I sat by Lightning? He wanted to sit alone, but I made up some BS about wanting a new electrolyte drink and he got so excited, he practically pulled me into his seat.”

“And now you’re stuck sitting by him?”

“Forever,” he groaned.

“I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be. He’s not that bad, but I would like to sit next to Pink and finger her on the next flight. Gotta be honest—I’m jealous as hell about that.”

I grinned and looped my arm over his shoulders. “Good. I’d be fucking jealous of me, too.”

He squeezed against me, and my pulse throbbed in my throat. This was good. It was relaxed and cozy. I liked this intimacy with Mac.

“God. Now that it’s out in the open, I feel so much better.”

“I’m so sorry I hurt you,” Mac murmured.

“I’m sorry, too. For everything.”

I wanted to kiss him. To bite his lower lip that pouted when he smiled playfully. But there were people around. He was just famous enough he could get recognized, especially around Vancouver. Every bar had a neon Evergreens sign in the window. The stores all had merchandise. Watch parties were held all over the city on game night.

If he was going to get recognized, this would be the place.

“How do we navigate all this and keep your reputation intact?”

“Everyone is so damn worried about my reputation,” he muttered.

“For good reason. Your livelihood depends on it.”

“I’m not irresponsible.” He grabbed the back of his neck and leaned against my shoulder. “It’s like my nickname makes them all think I’m some feral beast—”

“I mean, you kind of are—”

He shoved me and I stepped to the side, laughing too hard to get my balance. For the first time in my life, I was giddy. Walking on a cloud.

But Mac’s face was serious. “Even Julie has been warning me.”


Mac sighed and kicked a pebble on the sidewalk. “She caught me coming out of your room.”

“Is that why you went silent?”

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