Page 84 of Acquisition

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"You keep saying that, but you said you wouldn't be mad."

"No, you asked me not to be mad. That's different."

There was something about the way she looked up at me with her wide, dancing eyes and the hint of a smile on her lips.

"The moment something gets out of hand, you're out," I demanded.

"A hundred percent. I promise."

"Why do I get the impression that you don't really mean that?"

"You're not very trusting. I know you're trying to protect me. I appreciate that, and I love you for it."

There was that word again. Love. She loved me. And I loved her.

"Fine. You can help, but the moment something is off, back out. Do you understand?"

"I understand."

"I swear to God,” I mumbled. “You're trying to kill me."

"No. That was last night. Well, and this morning. I definitely tried to kill you this morning."

I prowled toward her. "Well, in that case, you should probably try and kill me one more time before we go and say goodbye to my mother."

Her giggling laugh rang through the halls as she turned to run from me. And as I chased her, I put my worries aside for a moment. I loved that she wanted to help. For once in my life, I didn't feel completely alone. I had Micah, but somehow, it wasn't quite the same.

But at the first hint of danger, I knew I might need to protect her from herself by any means necessary.

Didn't you already try that?

I had. But this time, I'd be going with her.

I had to make a contingency plan. If she wanted to help, I'd let her help. But any danger to her, and we were both out.

Chapter 34


We couldn't leave the Winston Isles without seeing my mother one last time.

In the seat next to me, Gwen wore all white once again, this time in the form of a sundress with these little bows at the top. She'd taken her hair and piled it on top of her head in a high messy bun. And she'd done something to her eyes to make them look like a cat with just a little bit of lipstick on her lips, somehow making them look fuller.

She's so goddamn pretty.

"You keep staring at me like that, and we might need to pull over," she said.

I flashed her a grin. "Maybe on the way back?"

She giggled. "No, not on the way back. We have a flight to catch tonight."

I ground my teeth at that. "And if I don't want to go back?"

"You're going to let your father just slide in and take the company from you?"

"I've taken several meetings from right here. We could stay."

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