Page 89 of Cross My Heart

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Daphne shook her head. “No one thinks of him that way. He’s a good man. He runs the inn. He’s retired from the military. He’s nothing like his parents.”

“I tried to tell him that, but he wouldn’t listen. He blamed me for them showing up.” I grabbed a tissue and dabbed at my eyes.

“How is it your fault?” Daphne asked.

“I posted the wedding preparation pictures online. Marley said capturing events like that would be good for marketing. I never thought his parents would see it and invite themselves. It was a beautiful moment I wanted to share.”

Daphne held my hand. “How could you have anticipated his parents showing up? They haven’t been around, have they?”

“Not since his grandmother kicked them out when Marley turned eighteen. She removed the trailer, and they weren’t welcomed back. The mother mentioned something about Marley paying her off. Maybe after their grandmother died?”

Daphne shook her head. “I don’t see how this is your fault. It sounds like he was upset by his parents showing up like that. He was surprised and took it out on you.”

“I think he really believes that his parents will ruin everything, and he can’t have a good life.”

“So it’s better to push all the good out of his life?” Daphne asked.

I closed my eyes. “I don’t think he’s ever going to move beyond his past.”

“So what does this mean for you?”

Opening my eyes, I said, “I have to move on and figure out my life.” My break was coming to an end. I needed to make a decision on my job and my future. Now that Aiden wasn’t in it, that choice should be easier, but I couldn’t even think about that tonight. I couldn’t get past the pain. Aiden blamed me instead of seeking comfort. He’d pushed me away instead of holding on tight. “I can’t get past the fact that he always does this. When he enlisted, when his parents showed up. He pushes me away. I can’t stick around and let him do it to me again.”

Daphne frowned. “You don’t think he’ll come around? That he’ll realize he overreacted.”

“I don’t think so. He was adamant that it was my fault and that we couldn’t be together. It was almost like he thought he didn’t deserve happiness because of his parents.”

Daphne was quiet for a few seconds, and then asked gently, “Are you in love with him?”

The tears fell harder. “We never said it to each other. I’m scared I never stopped loving him. What if he’s it for me? I’ll always be in love with a man I can’t have. One who doesn’t think he’s good enough for me. Who can’t heal from his past.

“It’s not your job to fix him or convince him of anything. He needs to figure this out on his own.”

“He never said he loved me,” I said, trying to think back on our time together.

Daphne touched my hand which was twisting the tissue. “Did you feel his love?”

I thought about the way he’d been lately, how he’d held me tighter after sex, and how it had felt like so much more than a physical act. “I think so.”

“He loved you even if he couldn’t say the words.”

I met Daphne’s sympathetic gaze. “I need the words. I need so much more.”

Daphne hugged me. “And you deserve that.”

“What am I going to do?” I asked when she pulled away.

“You’re going to get some sleep, and tomorrow, you’re going to watch Izzy open her presents from Santa.”

I laughed despite the tears drying on my face. “I’d love to see that.”

Daphne smiled. “It’s the best day of the year. Then you’re going to eat the amazing breakfast I’m going to make, and then we’re going to Dad’s to see the rest of our family.”

“It sounds perfect.” This was the reason I’d come home.

Cole set two glasses on the nightstand. “Do I need to kick Aiden’s ass?”

I laughed despite the tears. “No.”

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