Page 90 of Cross My Heart

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“I think he’s kicking himself right now. He shouldn’t have reacted like that.” Then to Cole, she said, “His parents showed up at the reception, causing a scene. He blamed Fiona.”

“He said I couldn’t understand where he was coming from because I grew up with a loving family,” I said, trying to get some clarity on what he’d meant by that.

Cole leaned a shoulder against the door jam. “I grew up with an alcoholic father and a mother who enabled him. I was embarrassed by him because he never showed up for anything, and the few times he did, he was drunk. I think he thought he was sober, but he wasn’t.”

Daphne stood and wrapped her arms around his middle.

“I’m so sorry, Cole,” I said.

“I have an idea of where he’s coming from. He needs to work through his past before you two can be together.”

“He’s pushed me away before, and I don’t think I can keep coming back only to have my heart broken again.”

Cole nodded. “That’s something only you can decide.”

I didn’t want to know if he thought Aiden would change his mind. I had to operate on the assumption that he wouldn’t. That he believed he wasn’t good enough for me.

Daphne smiled. “No matter what happens, we’re going to enjoy the holiday tomorrow.”

“Thank you for letting me stay here.”

“Get some sleep. Izzy will be up bright and early tomorrow,” Daphne said as they backed out of the room, closing the door.

I forced myself to go into the adjoining bathroom to wash my face. It was red and puffy. I just hoped I didn’t look this bad when Izzy opened her presents in the morning. I wanted to enjoy the day with my family, even though I knew the scene with Aiden would be replaying in my mind.

I patted my face dry, then opened my suitcases to search for my pajamas. I missed Aiden. I missed the inn. I’d been looking forward to spending the evening with him. It physically hurt to be separated from him, to replay the words he’d said in my head.

The ridiculous part was that it had nothing to do with me. It was all him. He thought he had to pay for the sins of his parents or he wasn’t deserving of something good in his life. But it wasn’t true.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t do anything to fix this for him. He needed to figure it out for himself. I pulled on my softest pajamas and got into bed. I vowed to enjoy the holiday with my family. To not let Aiden’s choices get me down. Even though I knew it was a losing prospect.

* * *

The next morning, I woke up to bouncing and an excited voice. “Aunt Fiona, get up.”

I groaned and rolled back over, pulling the comforter over my head.

Someone tugged on the blanket until it slid off my body. “Come on. I want to open presents.”

I rolled onto my back and reluctantly opened my eyes. Izzy was a streak of red-and-green-plaid pajamas as she raced out the room yelling, “She’s up!”

Assuming that was my wake-up call, I brushed my teeth, then pulled a brush through my hair before joining Izzy, Cole, and Daphne in the living room.

“Santa came!” Izzy said to me while she posed for pictures in front of the tree by the window. Presents spilled out from underneath the low branches.

I placed my envelope for her on top of one of the packages.

Daphne handed me a cup of coffee. “Are you ready for this?”

“I will be. Thank you.” I blew air over the steaming liquid, hoping to cool it. I felt good that I’d taken the time off work to be here.

I sat on the couch and watched while Cole handed Izzy present after present. There would be more at the Monroes house and at my dad’s later today. And I had a feeling Cole bought a lot more for her than she usually received.

When she opened a box with a new bike helmet, she looked confused.

“That’s from me. You’re growing so fast, and you need a good one to protect your head,” Cole said.

“I love it,” Izzy said before she hugged him tightly. Then she set it aside for another one.

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