Page 88 of Cross My Heart

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“Couldn’t be better. Aiden’s going to dig his head out of his ass sometime tomorrow and call us to work on a plan to get his woman back.”

A smile spread over Marley’s face. “Perfect. I adore Fiona.”

“I do too.” It just took me a ridiculously long time to figure everything out.

Marley hugged me tightly. “I want you to be happy.”

I shouldn’t make any promises, even though I wanted to assure her that everything would be okay. “I will be.”

The guests lined up on either side of the doorway on the front porch. When Marley and Heath came outside, we threw red flower petals at them. Marley laughed when Heath lifted her into his arms and carried her bridal-style across the porch and down the steps.

I opened the passenger-side truck door for them, and he tucked her inside. When he closed the door, I couldn’t help but think that leaving in Heath’s truck was perfect for them. Marley adored expensive things, but she also loved Heath for who he was, Christmas tree farm and all.

Surely, Fiona would accept me for who I was and be patient while I worked through the shit from my past.



After Talon helped me carry my bags to my rental car, I called Daphne on my way to her house.

“Hello,” Daphne said.

I could barely form words around the tears streaming down my face and the tightening of my throat.

“What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

I took a deep breath, then said, “Aiden asked me to leave the inn. Can I stay with you tonight?”

Daphne sucked in a breath. “Why would he do that?”

“It’s a long story. Can we talk about it when I get there?”

“Of course. Drive safely, and I’ll see you when you get here.” Daphne’s voice was filled with concern.

When I pulled up, Daphne met me on the porch.

She ushered me inside. “Cole will get your things.”

We settled on the bed in the guest room. “Tell me what happened.”

I sighed. “Aiden’s parents showed up at the wedding.”

Cole set my bags next to the dresser, then said, “I’ll get you two some water,” before ducking out again.

“They made a scene, demanding to be allowed to stay at the reception.”

Daphne’s forehead wrinkled as she grabbed the tissue box from the nightstand and set it in front of me. “Were they even invited?”


“What did Aiden do?”

“He blocked them from going inside the ballroom, but they still managed to make a scene. Calling him trailer trash and saying he wasn’t better than them. Then they asked for more money.”

“Why would they show up on Marley’s wedding day and act like that?” Daphne asked.

“This is how they are. It’s the same reason he never wanted me to meet them when we dated. He eventually got them to leave. But I think them showing up there like that, causing a scene, brought back old memories. He thinks he’s not good enough. That he’ll always be that kid who grew up in a trailer.”

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