Page 61 of Ensnared Desire

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Jaxon made a low noise of approval, his grip on my waist tightening. The kiss deepened, our tongues meeting in a sensual dance that stole the air from my lungs. I was lost, my senses overwhelmed by Jaxon's lips and hands caressing me. My skin burned everywhere he touched, my core aching and wet with need.

In the front seat, Colton's eyes found mine in the rearview mirror, dark with desire. It should have frightened me, this loss of control, of reason. But I had no will to resist as Jaxon devoured my mouth, one hand trailing up my thigh beneath my dress. I clung to him, drowning in sensation, my body moving of its own volition to get closer.

The car came to a sudden halt, and I expected to see my apartment building looming outside the window. Instead, I found myself staring at a dimly lit park, the city lights twinkling in the distance. My heart raced as I tried to make sense of our unexpected destination.

Before I could even form a question, the door beside me opened, and Colton slid into the back seat, his eyes dark and intense. The air in the car grew thick with anticipation, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. I knew what was coming, but I couldn't find the will to resist.

Colton's strong arms encircled me, pulling me into his embrace as his mouth found mine in a searching kiss. I gasped in surprise, my lips parting to allow him entry. His tongue danced with mine, tasting and exploring as if trying to claim me. My hands came up to grip his shoulders, fingers digging into the fabric of his shirt as I tried to anchor myself in the whirlwind of sensations.

On my other side, I heard Jaxon chuckle in amusement. The sound sent a thrill through me, and I knew he was watching us with keen interest. His lips then found the sensitive skin on the side of my neck, placing sweet little kisses that made me shiver. I was trapped between the two dominant alphas, their combined scents and touches overwhelming me.

My mind reeled, trying to process the situation. I knew this was dangerous, that I was playing with fire by allowing myself to be drawn into their world. But I couldn't deny the pull I felt toward them, the way my body responded to their touch. It was as if I was under a spell, unable to resist their allure.

As Colton deepened the kiss, his hands began to roam my body, caressing my curves with a possessive hunger. I moaned into his mouth, my hips instinctively pressing against him as I sought relief from the growing ache between my legs. Jaxon's lips continued their assault on my neck, his teeth grazing my skin just enough to send a jolt of pleasure through me.

I was lost in the moment, my thoughts consumed by the sensations coursing through my body. I knew I should stop this, that I was risking everything by allowing myself to be swept up in their passion. But I couldn't find the strength to pull away, to resist the temptation that was the Sterling twins.

As Colton's hands moved to cup my breasts, I felt a surge of desire that threatened to consume me. I arched my back, pressing myself further into his touch as I moaned in pleasure. Jaxon's lips moved to my ear, his breath hot against my skin as he whispered words of encouragement.

“Let go, Delcy,” he murmured, his voice low and seductive. “Let us take care of you.”

I wanted to obey, to surrender myself to their touch and let them take control. But a small part of me still clung to reason, reminding me of the consequences of giving in to my desires. I knew I couldn't let this go any further, that I needed to regain control before it was too late.

With a Herculean effort, I pulled away from Colton's kiss, gasping for breath as I tried to compose myself. His eyes were dark with desire, his chest heaving as he fought to regain his own composure. Jaxon's lips curved into a knowing smile, as if he had expected my resistance all along.

“I... I can't do this,” I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. “I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm… not ready.”

Colton's expression softened, and he gently brushed a stray lock of hair from my face as he leaned in to plant a kiss on my forehead.

“It's okay, Delcy,” he said, his voice gentle. “We understand.”

Jaxon nodded in agreement, his hand coming to rest on my thigh in a comforting gesture.

“We'll take you home,” he said, his voice soothing.

As Colton started the car and pulled away from the park, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief mixed with disappointment. I knew I had made the right decision, that I couldn't allow myself to be swept up in their world. But a part of me still yearned for the passion and excitement that came with being in their arms.

I sighed, leaning my head against the cool glass of the window as I watched the city lights pass by. I knew this wasn't the end, that I would still have to face the Sterling twins and the temptation they represented. But for now, I would take solace in the fact that I had managed to resist their allure, if only for a little while longer.

* * *

I woke up tired and restless after a night of fitful sleep. The memories of the date kept replaying in my mind. Colton's and Jaxon's strong alpha scents, their heated gazes, and sensual touches—it had been intoxicating. And terrifying. I'd almost lost myself in their seduction, my omega instincts taking over in response to their obvious desire. If they hadn't stopped when I asked, who knows how far things would have gone.

Part of me had wanted to give in, to experience the pleasure I knew they could provide. But the rational part of me was still afraid. Afraid of losing control, of relinquishing my will to their dominance. It reminded me too much of that traumatic night seven years ago during my heat. I'd been completely helpless against the fevered rut of that alpha, my pheromones driving him mad with lust.

I shook my head, trying to clear away the memories. There was no use dwelling on the past. Today was a new day, and I had responsibilities to take care of.

I hauled myself out of bed and headed for the shower, letting the hot water wash away the lingering scent of alpha that clung to my skin. After I dressed in my usual jeans and t-shirt, I made a quick breakfast of oatmeal and tea. Nothing fancy, but it would tide me over until lunch.

My first stop was the grocery store to pick up some essentials. I bought just enough to get me through the next week. My budget was tight, so I had to be careful not to splurge. As I was checking out, I noticed the tabloid headlines speculating about Colton and Jaxon's romantic interests. Surely, they couldn't be talking about me. I was a nobody, just a barista from the wrong side of the tracks. What would two powerful alphas want with someone like me?

Pushing away those uneasy thoughts, I loaded up my beat-up old car and headed to Sunrise Elder Care Center. The cheerful receptionist buzzed me in, and I made my way to Grandpa's room.

“Hey, Grandpa,” I said, leaning down to give him a gentle hug.

“Delcy girl, so good to see you,” he said, his eyes lighting up. “How's my favorite granddaughter?”

“I'm your only granddaughter, silly,” I teased.

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