Page 62 of Ensnared Desire

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I began tidying up Grandpa's room, plumping up his pillows and straightening the blankets on his bed. The early morning sun was streaming in through the windows, filling the space with a warm golden glow.

“This weather's been something else, hasn't it?” Grandpa said, gesturing outside. “One day it's freezing cold, the next it's hot as blazes. Never can make up its mind.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, spring in the city is always unpredictable. At least we're finally getting more of those sunny days you like.”

Grandpa nodded, looking wistful. “Sunny days are perfect for the garden. Reminds me of all those years I spent workin' outside, mowing lawns and tending to folks' gardens and yards.”

He sighed deeply. I knew how much he missed gardening and being able to nurture living things. This care facility tried to maintain some garden boxes and flower beds outside, but they were often neglected and overgrown with weeds.

“The food here leaves something to be desired too,” he grumbled. “Bland as cardboard most days. I'd give my right leg for a decent home-cooked meal.”

I gave him a sympathetic smile. The food wasn't completely terrible, but I knew it didn't compare to the meals Grandpa used to make, full of rich flavors and his special touch.

As I finished tidying, Grandpa peered at me curiously. “Say, you're looking extra chipper today. Somethin' good happen?”

I felt my cheeks flush, thinking about last night with Colton and Jaxon. But I shrugged and said, “Oh, nothing really.” I didn't want to get into the details of my complicated dating life just yet.

My phone dinged, indicating an incoming message. I took it out and slid the screen to unlock. There was a text from Amanda: Delcy, it's Amanda. Can we meet up? How about 11 a.m. at Caffè Eleganza in the Sterling Galleria?

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. Amanda and I were more acquaintances than real friends. For her to reach out like this was unusual. I had a feeling this invite probably had something to do with last night. I texted back a simple: Okay.

“Everything okay?” Grandpa asked, noticing my distraction.

“Yeah, just confirming plans with a... friend,” I said. I checked the time on my phone. “Anyway, I should get going soon.”

Grandpa nodded. “Well, you take care, Delcy girl. Don't be lettin' any of those big shot alphas give you trouble now.”

I hugged him goodbye. “I won't, Grandpa. Love you, see you next week.”

As I headed out of the care facility, I felt a strange mix of lightness and apprehension. My life seemed like it was taking an unpredictable turn. But as long as I had Grandpa's support, I knew I'd be okay.

As I slid into the car, a ding sound came from my phone. Thinking it was from Amanda again, I checked it. But instead of Amanda's, there were two names at the top with recent unread messages—Colton and Jaxon. My heart skipped, and with shaky fingers, I clicked on the top message to read.

Good morning, beautiful was the simple, warm greeting from Jaxon. I felt a flutter in my stomach as I read his words over again.

I replied, Good morning, handsome. I added the last bit to tease him a little, too.

I checked the one from Colton, and it simply said, Good morning, Delcy. Hope you have a wonderful day ahead.

I found myself smiling, touched by his thoughtfulness. I replied, Good morning. I hope you have a wonderful day, too.

I couldn't believe these powerful, successful alphas were thinking about me first thing in the morning. Me—a mere coffee shop girl from the wrong side of the tracks. What did they see in me? I was nothing special, at least not in my own eyes.

My heart danced with a lightness that felt as airy as a cloud, buoyed by the unexpected warmth from their messages. With this effervescent feeling bubbling inside me, I practically bounced into the driver's seat of my car and set off, the engine purring to life as I steered my way toward the grandeur of Sterling Galleria.

When I arrived, I took a moment to stare up at the imposing building. No matter how many times I came here, I was always struck by the sheer opulence. This place represented everything I didn't have—wealth, status, luxury.

I smoothed my hands over my simple jeans and shirt, suddenly feeling very out of place. Squaring my shoulders, I walked inside with as much confidence as I could muster.

I followed the signs toward Caffè Eleganza, one of the ritzier cafés in the food court. Sure enough, I spotted Amanda right away at a table near the back. I barely recognized her, decked out in designer clothes and an immaculate blowout. As I got closer, I realized she wasn't alone. Nora was sitting with her.

I approached them, and after a brief greeting, I slid into the plush seat across from them. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and pastries filled the air, making my stomach rumble.

A waiter dressed in a crisp white shirt and black vest approached our table. “Would you ladies care for anything to drink this morning?” he asked politely.

Amanda and Nora ordered espresso drinks. When the waiter turned to me, I said, “A hot chocolate, please.”

He gave a small bow and briskly walked away.

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