Page 60 of Ensnared Desire

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“Just a glass of white wine, please,” I requested softly.

Colton's lips curved. “An excellent choice.” He stroked my cheek gently before rising to go to the bar.

Beside me, Jaxon shifted closer, his hips aligning with mine. My breath caught at the contact. His fingers continued their maddening exploration along my shoulder and down my arm.

“You're exquisite.” His voice was a low caress in my ear.

My eyes fluttered shut and I suppressed a pleasurable shudder at his words. I couldn't formulate a response, my mind hazy.

Before I could gather my scattered thoughts, Colton returned with our drinks. The brief separation had done nothing to tamp down the electric tension between us. If anything, it crackled stronger than ever.

I accepted the wine with a slightly trembling hand and took a fortifying sip. The crisp flavor helped ground me, though it did little to diminish the effects of Colton and Jaxon's nearness.

As we sipped our drinks, their hands occasionally grazed my bare shoulders and knees, subtle caresses that set my skin aflame. Their teasing touches and heady alpha scent made it impossible to relax.

My omega instinct urged me closer, longing to eliminate any last traces of space between our bodies. I clenched my fingers around the delicate stem of my wineglass, using the fine crystal to anchor my runaway thoughts.

Get a grip, Delcy, I chided myself. I couldn't lose control. Not here in this refined setting, with their thighs pressed to mine and their gazes burning with unspoken desire. No, I had to remain composed and in command of myself.

But as the minutes passed in a haze of wine and wandering touches, my rigid self-control began to fracture. Their hands trailed up my neck, across my décolletage, along the length of my legs—nowhere inappropriate, yet bold enough to test my limits.

And when Jaxon's thumb grazed the corner of my mouth in a featherlight caress, I shuddered, every nerve ending electric. My eyes fluttered closed and I drew in a shaky breath, my lips parting ever so slightly.

In that heated moment, my omega instincts surged forth unchecked, yearning to close the aching distance between us. I swayed toward Jaxon, my hand coming to rest on his muscled thigh. I felt the rumble of Colton's approving growl vibrate against my back as he pressed closer.

My mind clouded with desire. Dimly, I knew I was on the brink of losing all inhibitions. Every cell in my body cried out to give in to their skillful seduction.

With my last scrap of rational thought, I downed the rest of my wine in one gulp, hoping the alcohol would shock some sense into me. I couldn't let myself cross a line I'd regret. Not tonight. Not yet.

I had to prove I was more than just a weak-willed omega under the spell of powerful alphas. Mustering my remaining willpower, I gently extracted myself from their embrace and rose unsteadily to my feet.

“It's getting late. I, uh, I think we should get going.” My voice sounded breathless to my own ears.

Their eyes smoldered as they took in my disheveled appearance and rapid breathing. Slow, wicked smiles spread across their faces at the visible effect they'd had on me. They knew exactly how close they'd come to shattering my restraint completely.

Colton's voice was a low rumble. “Of course. We'll take you home.”

The promise in those simple words made me tremble.

* * *

I felt a sense of foreboding as Colton headed for the driver's seat of the car instead of Jaxon. My nerves only intensified when Jaxon opened the back door and gestured for me to get in first. As he slid in next to me, I became acutely aware of how confined the space felt with his tall, muscular frame taking up more than his share.

I stared out the window, watching the city lights streak by in a blur. The lingering heat from their powerful pheromones at dinner hadn't yet dissipated, and having Jaxon so close in the confined space of the car made me anxious that I would lose control of my senses.

I tried to steady my breathing and calm my racing heart as Jaxon moved in close, his thigh brushing mine. The contact sent a jolt through my body despite the layer of fabric separating our skin. He was affecting me already, even without direct touch. I clenched my hands tightly in my lap, willing myself not to give in to instinct.

But as Colton pulled out of the parking lot, Jaxon shifted even closer. I felt my cheeks flush as his scent encompassed me, masculine and irresistible.

Get a grip, I told myself sternly, trying to ignore the way my pulse had quickened. Jaxon was an alpha, used to getting any woman he wanted. I wouldn't be another conquest.

As the drive continued, Jaxon subtly shifted his arm, resting it behind me along the seatback. Now and then, his fingers would graze my shoulder or the nape of my neck, each brief contact igniting my skin. I bit my lip, suppressing a gasp at the tingles racing down my spine.

My breaths grew short and quick as Jaxon's light caresses became bolder. His hand slid down to my lower back, fingers splaying out just above the curve of my backside. I squirmed under his touch, both wanting to flee and wishing to melt against him. My head spun, drunk on their combined alpha scent permeating the small space. Jaxon's lips lingered a hair's breadth from the tender skin below my ear, his warm exhales sending shivers through me. My thoughts fragmented, rationality slipping away as primal need took its place.

Jaxon's nose skimmed my jawline, inhaling deeply before his lips met the corner of my mouth in a featherlight kiss. My lips parted in surprise, eyes fluttering shut as he continued to place delicate kisses along my cheek, my temple, my brow. He was asking permission, giving me the chance to stop him if I wished. But I found myself immobilized, my body crying out for more despite the warnings in my mind.

When his mouth finally captured mine, the kiss was slow and searching at first, gauging my reaction. My hands came up of their own volition, fingers tangling in his hair to pull him closer as I returned the kiss.

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