Page 44 of Ensnared Desire

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I appreciated her encouragement. Lydia always knew how to boost my confidence, even if she did run with a more privileged crowd. We'd been friends since childhood, but our lives had diverged as we grew older. I wondered sometimes if she felt embarrassed by me, but she never showed it.

As Lydia continued to expertly apply makeup to my face, transforming me from the girl who served coffee to someone who might belong in their world for just one night, I found myself caught between anticipation and fear. What did they want with me? Was it just dinner or something more?

The brush strokes on my cheek paused as Lydia's phone rang. She glanced at the caller ID and frowned, eyes narrowing.

“I need to take this. I'll be right back,” she said, already heading for the door.

I watched her step outside, speaking in a hushed but heated tone. Try as I might not to eavesdrop, I couldn't help overhearing snippets.

“You said you'd have it by now... I don't care, figure it out... it's not my problem how you get it, just pay what you owe...” Lydia sounded more upset than I'd ever heard her.

A few minutes later, she came back inside, plastering a smile on her face like the call never happened. I considered asking if everything was okay but stopped myself. It wasn't my business, and I didn't want to spoil the mood.

Lydia checked the time on her diamond encrusted watch.

“The car will be here any minute to pick you up. Are you excited?”

“Nervous, mostly,” I admitted. “I still can't believe I'm going on a date with the Sterling twins. Me, little nobody Delcy Charlton.”

“You're not a nobody.” Lydia squeezed my hand. “You're smart, talented, and so much more interesting than those arrogant alphas or their usual arm candy.”

I smiled, grateful for her faith in me. A buzz from Lydia's phone interrupted us again. She checked it and sighed.

“Ugh, I have to take this.” She gave me an apologetic look. “I'm so sorry, but I should really talk to him quickly. Do you mind?”

“Of course not, go ahead.” I waved her toward the door. “I'll get dressed and do a final mirror check.”

Lydia flashed me a relieved smile and slipped outside again. Her voice filtered through the thin walls as she spoke.

“I need more time,” Lydia hissed into the phone. Her voice wavered, a stark contrast to her usual confidence. “I know I owe you a lot, but I'll get you your money soon.”

Debt? Lydia never mentioned any financial troubles to me. She always flaunted her affluent lifestyle as if money were no object.

The conversation shifted abruptly as Lydia dialed another number, her tone now sharp and businesslike.

“Listen,” she spoke into the phone once connected. “We need to talk about that contract and commission. I'll come by at the Alpha Gold Club.”

Alpha Gold Club? Was there such a club with that name?

Before I could ponder further, I picked up the dress and headed into the bathroom to change. Ten minutes later, I stared at my reflection in the mirror, barely recognizing myself. The dress hugged every curve perfectly, accentuating what needed accentuation, and the makeup was flawless without being overdone. I rarely had occasion to dress up, but tonight was different. Taking a deep breath, I tried to steady the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

I was going on a dinner date with Colton and Jaxon Sterling. Just thinking their names made my pulse quicken.

That incident seven years ago left me with a deep-seated anxiety around alphas, which was why I had always kept my distance. Yet there was something about Colton and Jaxon that captivated me, an allure I couldn't defy. They pulled me in with an inexplicable magnetism, prompting behavior that was out of character for me, such as accepting this dinner date despite my initial reluctance. I could have expressed my disinterest and canceled, but I chose not to. For reasons beyond my understanding, I desperately wanted this date to happen.

A knock at the bathroom door startled me from my thoughts. I opened it to see Lydia standing there.

“Let me look at you!” she squealed, clapping her hands together when she saw me. “Oh, Delcy, you look absolutely gorgeous in that dress. Those brothers are going to be drooling over you all night.”

I smiled shyly, smoothing my hands over the fabric.

“Thanks, Lydia. I can't believe you lent me something so nice.”

“Like I said, anything for my bestie,” she said, hugging me. “Now the heels and we're all set.”

Slipping into the four-inch heels Lydia had picked out, I felt a shift within me. The added height brought an unfamiliar grace to my posture, a confidence I didn't know I possessed. With each step, I practiced balance and poise, trying not to think about the towering Sterling twins awaiting my arrival.

I caught my reflection in the mirror one last time. The woman looking back was someone else entirely—beautiful, composed, and somehow powerful. I took a deep breath, allowing myself to bask in this newfound sense of self, however fleeting it might be.

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