Page 43 of Ensnared Desire

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“Did you hear? The bosses are going on a date with a woman named Delcy.”

“Isn't Delcy that coffee delivery woman from Brewed Dreams?”

“She's an omega, right?”

“Wow! I can't believe they're dating her!”

“Yeah, she's like a nobody.”

“Where are they taking her?”

“I heard it's Auburn Retreat.”

“Isn't that like a super luxurious restaurant that you have to book months in advance?”

“You only need to say the name Sterling and you'd get a reservation anywhere in the city any time of the day. Their name is that powerful.”

By afternoon, those whispers had swelled into an uncontainable murmur that permeated every corner of Sterling Enterprises. It wasn't just idle gossip anymore; it was as if the entire female staff had been jolted awake by an electric shock.

In break rooms and bathrooms alike, reactions varied from wide-eyed wonder to heartbroken sobs. The untouchable Sterling brothers were no longer abstract figures of desire—they were men who could be charmed by someone like them—a coffee delivery woman named Delcy.

The notion sent tremors through the company's social landscape. Some envied Delcy for catching such illustrious attention while others mourned their own shattered fantasies.

In cubicles hidden from view, tears were shed in private, a mix of jealousy and resignation staining cheeks as reality sunk in. For some, it was more than just longing for their bosses. It was a reflection of their own unfulfilled yearnings for romance and recognition.

Meanwhile, Jaxon sat at his desk, unaware or perhaps indifferent to the emotional upheaval he and Colton had inadvertently caused. His mind wasn't on reports or financial forecasts—it danced around thoughts of Delcy, her smile that seemed both vulnerable and knowing, her scent that lingered like a promise in his senses.

He glanced at Colton who was engrossed in reviewing documents, a furrow forming between his brows as he parsed legal jargon and profit margins.

Mike cleared his throat gently before asking if there was anything else they needed before he left them to their work.

“No, thank you, Mike,” Jaxon said without looking up from Delcy's chosen pen still twirling between his fingers.

As Mike and Emma exited, they paused outside the door, a silent witness to history unfolding within those walls where two alphas might just have found something beyond wealth or power, something delicately human woven into their tapestry of dominance and control.


The clink of Lydia's high heels announced her arrival before I could see her. I peered through the peephole, my pulse skipping erratically. There she stood, framed by the dim hallway light, a garment bag slung over her arm and a cosmetic case in hand.

“Open up, Delcy! Time's ticking!” Lydia called out, her voice laced with that characteristic blend of excitement and impatience.

I unlocked the door and swung it open, my hands slick with nerves. Lydia breezed past me, the scent of her expensive perfume filling the small space of my apartment. She laid out the garment bag on my bed with a flourish and unzipped it to reveal a dress that took my breath away.

“Lydia, this is gorgeous,” I whispered, running my fingers over the delicate lace and rich fabric. The dress was a pastel peach that I knew would complement my skin tone, a stark contrast to the muted colors I usually wore.

“Anything for my bestie,” she said airily, clearly proud of her selection. “You're going to knock those Sterling brothers off their feet.”

Her words sent a shiver down my spine, the good kind mixed with a dash of dread. The thought of sitting across from Colton and Jaxon made my stomach flip-flop. Both men were stunningly handsome, but it was more than their looks that had me on edge. It was the power they wielded effortlessly and the intense way they looked at me.

“Now sit down so I can do your makeup.”

I settled onto the couch while Lydia lined my eyes with a smoky shadow, brushed blush onto my cheeks, and painted my lips a berry that matched the color of the dress. Watching my features transform in the mirror, I hardly recognized myself. The woman staring back at me looked sophisticated, alluring even.

“Voila! You look hot, girl.” Lydia grinned. “Those alphas won't know what hit them.”

I laughed. “I hope I can keep their attention. I'm sure they're used to dining with models and celebrities.”

“Please, they were practically all over you the moment they saw you at the gallery event,” Lydia said. “Just be your charming self and they'll be eating out of the palm of your hand in no time.”

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