Page 45 of Ensnared Desire

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A soft chime echoed through the apartment signaling that Colton and Jaxon had arrived. I picked up Colton's suit jacket from where it lay draped over a chair—carefully maintained despite my inability to afford professional dry cleaning—and made my way to the door.

Lydia gave me an encouraging nod as I stepped out into the cool evening air. There it was, Colton's black Rolls-Royce parked at the curb, its sleek lines reflecting the fading light like some predatory creature waiting in the shadows.

Colton stepped out first, his presence commanding even in stillness. He wore a tailored suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and lean frame, a man who wore power as effortlessly as his clothing. Jaxon followed, equally imposing but with an air of mischievous charm that softened his strong features.

I approached them, clutching Colton's jacket.

“Thank you for coming,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. “I've taken good care of your jacket.”

Colton took it from me with a gentle touch that lingered on my fingers for a second too long.

“It's fine,” he said, his deep voice wrapping around me like velvet. “You didn't have to worry about it.”

Both men watched me with an intensity that made my heart race. Their gazes seemed to drink in every detail of my appearance, leaving me exposed yet strangely empowered under their scrutiny.

Lydia appeared at my side, her impatience palpable as she glanced at her watch.

“Time is of the essence,” she reminded us briskly. “We should get going if we don't want to miss our reservation.”

Jaxon opened the car door for me and ushered me inside with a warm smile that somehow put me at ease amidst the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me. His hand brushed against mine as I took my seat, sending a jolt through my body that resonated with something primal and urgent.

Lydia leaned down to whisper before closing the door.

“I'll follow behind in my car,” she said with a conspiratorial wink.

As Colton slid into the driver's seat and started the engine, the purr of the Rolls-Royce filled the silence between us. We pulled away from the curb smoothly, leaving behind Lydia and any remnants of my old life for the evening ahead.

The interior of Colton's car was as luxurious as one would expect—leather seats that hugged your form, ambient lighting that set off every polished surface with an understated glow. Yet despite all this opulence surrounding us, it was their potent pheromones that dominated the space.

I could feel their alpha presence pressing in on all sides. It was both exhilarating and terrifying. Warmth spread through me as if their very scent could reach inside and touch something secret and hidden, a part of myself I'd kept locked away.

Jaxon broke the silence first with light conversation about mundane topics—the weather, some recent exhibit he'd enjoyed—which helped ease some of the tension building within me.

Colton remained quiet but attentive throughout Jaxon's chatter, his focus on driving while stealing glances at me through the rearview mirror every so often. His eyes were like twin sapphires, deep and penetrating, and every time our gazes met, I felt a little heady.

We drove through the city streets lit by a constellation of streetlights and neon signs until we reached our destination, Auburn Retreat, a restaurant renowned for its exclusivity and culinary excellence.

Colton parked at the valet stand before coming around to open my door. As I stepped out onto solid ground again, he offered his arm, a gesture so gallant it felt like something out of another era or perhaps just another world entirely different from mine.

I placed my hand lightly on his forearm, acutely aware of how close we were standing. The energy between us was palpable, a current that seemed to hum beneath our skin. Together we walked toward the restaurant with Jaxon trailing behind us, a trio bound by circumstance and an unspoken promise of what this night might bring.

* * *

The gleaming facade of the restaurant towered before us, a beacon of elegance in the twilight. As we stepped through its doors, a wave of awe washed over me, the opulence of the interior leaving me breathless. I had seen places like this in magazines and on-screen, but being here—the walls draped in rich velvet, the chandeliers cast a golden glow over marble floors, and immaculately dressed waiters whisked around serving patrons who oozed wealth and sophistication—was an experience I could hardly believe.

The maître d' greeted us with a polished smile, leading us through the sea of linen-draped tables to a luxurious private room that felt like it was perched between the stars and the city below. Floor-to-ceiling windows offered an unobstructed view of the glittering skyline. I settled into the plush sofa, my heart fluttering like a caged bird, excited yet anxious about the night ahead. This was all so far removed from my everyday reality working at the coffee shop.

My phone buzzed in my clutch, and I retrieved it to find a message from Lydia. My stomach knotted as I read her words.

Sorry, Delcy. I can't make it. A business emergency just came up. I'll make it up to you another time. Have fun and enjoy the date.

I stared at the phone and reread the message, to ensure I didn't misinterpret anything. Was this business emergency something to do with those calls earlier?

“Everything all right?” Jaxon's voice pulled me back to the present.

I looked up to find both brothers watching me with attentive eyes.

“Lydia won't be joining us,” I said, trying to mask my rising panic with a steady voice. “She has an unexpected matter to attend to.”

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