Page 16 of Rider's Claim

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“Hey, how can I help you today?” she asked a bit out of breath from her exertions with the dogs. “Fang, Rider good to see you and you’re Fang’s sister, right?”

“Right, we are here to pick out a dog for me.” I said as I nudged my brother. He blushed a little and walked toward Cara with the coffee and bag.

“I didn’t know if you had eaten so I brought you breakfast.” He said, handing her the bag. She took it from him and sipped the coffee. Her face broke into a smile.

“How did you know how I like my coffee?” she asked surprised. We followed her inside as she put the food in the microwave and sat down with us to ask some questions.

“Sophie told me. We would like to get a dog for Katherine, maybe two so they have company while she is at work. There are several of us to help take care of them so they will have plenty of attention and we also put a fence on the back of the house.” Jimmy seemed smitten with her. I liked seeing him like this. I was starting to worry he wasn’t going to find someone. I mean I know he gets plenty of attention. My brother is a good-looking guy. He just works weird hours and the women he is around at work are not really his type.

“Okay, why don’t we start by walking through the kennels and see if you make a connection with anyone first.” Cara got up and led us to a room full of dogs. The kennels were cute, she had beds, water bowls and toys for them. She loved animals and it showed. We walked through looking, they were all sweet, but I spotted two dogs laying together in a kennel. One was a pit bull with pretty blue eyes and laying beside her was a beagle mix. I stopped in front of the cage and squatted down. Both of them got up and walked over to the door of the cage to sniff me.

“Would you like to play with them. We have a room that I can bring them to, and you can get acquainted. They came to us together; their owner developed early onset Alzheimer’s and had no family to take them in. The pit is Ripley, and the beagle is Newt. They are both girls.” Cara said as I followed her and the dogs to a playroom. We entered a room that had a large window. I sat down on the floor, and she released them. Both dogs came and sniffed me before the pit tried to lay across my lap, the beagle’s tail was wagging, and she was licking my hand. Rider came and sat down by me. Ripley nudged his hand for attention. Fang chuckled as he watched them with us. I noticed he kept glancing at her.

“I want them both. They are precious. Can we take them home today?” I asked Cara, not wanting to be parted from them.

“Normally we do a little more checking into backgrounds, but I know you and trust that you will take good care of them so yes. They have had all their vaccinations and I’ll include the records. You can bring them back here when it’s time again. We just need to fill out some paperwork.” Cara said as she glanced at Fang who was standing right by her.

“I’ll do all of that, while you play with them. I’ll also ask what the best food is for them as well.” He followed Cara out of the room, and I looked at Rider smirking at his friend.

“What do you think? They are so sweet and that will have each other for company when we are at work.” I nudged him and he leaned over and tried to kiss me as Ripley gave him a big wet kiss on the cheek. I giggled at his expression. “I think you have an admirer.”

“We will get them home and get all their stuff. I figured you would have a few days at home to bond before your next shift.” Rider said as he put me in his lap and the dogs clamored for more attention. We were talking to them and playing when my brother came back in the room with Cara. She was blushing.

“Okay, here are their leashes. They actually had food, beds and toys brought from their home so you can take those to start and then get more when you need it. I’m so glad you are able to take them both. I was afraid if they got split up, they might not make it.” She knelt down and gave them both scratches behind their ears.

“Feel free to come by and visit them. I’d love to get to know you better.” I told her as Rider help me stand up and we started to leave. We headed out to the truck and loaded them into the back seat. After I was buckled in Newt jumped up front and curled into my lap. I watched as my brother said something else to the vet before getting on his bike. I can’t wait to see if something happens between them. She is really sweet and just his type. As we neared the compound, I started to have that feeling again. I looked around but didn’t see anything. Shaking my head I absently scratched behind Newts ears. They were so soft, it was comforting.

“I’ll help you get them inside and we will let them out in back to do their business, then I’ll bring their things inside.” Rider said as took Ripley’s leash. I sat Newt on the ground and held her leash. They were very well behaved. We let them loose in the backyard to get acquainted with their new home.

Rider came back inside with their things and put them down. He came over to me and put his arms around me.

“Are you okay baby?” he asked gently. “I noticed you tensed up earlier. Did you see something?”

“I didn’t see anything, but I’ve had the sense of being watched a couple of times today.” I told him as I kissed him. “Thank you for taking me to get them. I already love them.”

“You are very welcome baby; they will be good protectors.” He said as he tickled me, and we went outside to play with them.



I didn’t like that she was feeling watched. Katherine had great instincts so if she was feeling this way then there was a reason for it. I shot a message to Hawk and Axle to see about having a few guys check the area outside the compound thoroughly. We stayed around the house playing with the dogs and just spending time together. I had some work to do at the garage later this afternoon so I figured since she was home, and the dogs were here it would be okay for a while.

“Baby, I need to head to the garage. I have a car I need to get finished so the owner can pick it up this afternoon. Keep your phone on and your ringer up. Call if you need anything. If you feel uncomfortable call one of the guys to come by until I can get back.” I told her as she lounged on the couch with a dog on either side of her. She looked up at me with a smile on her pretty face. I leaned over and kissed her before heading out.

As I approached the gate, I thought I saw a reflection from the woods. It could have just been the sun reflecting off a passing car, but I wanted to check it out. I waved Gator over to my bike.

“Hey, I think I see something in the wooded area across the street. I’m going to check it out. Keep a sharp eye out for strangers near the gate.” I told him as he nodded.

“Fury told me to be extra vigilant. I won’t let anyone on the property that doesn’t belong, Rider.” Gator said as he scoped the outer area. He was a good man. I’m glad he found his brother and is part of the club now.

“I’ll be back in a bit, heading to the garage.” I said and pulled off to drive around the property line first. I wanted whoever was watching to hear that, but I planned to park my bike and go hunting. I had my bowie knife and cuffs with me. I sent a message to Undertaker that I needed someone else to finish the car and told him what I was doing. I parked my bike under a lean to and set out on foot. I realized that the flash reminded me of a reflection off a rifle and I wanted to know where it came from. I quietly walked through the woods behind our place looking for any footprints or signs of someone camping out here. It was a big area, so I had a flashlight in my pants pocket for when it got dark. I put my phone on silent and vibrate. I saw another flash and eased behind a tree to see where it came from. Suddenly there was a gun shot and it barely missed me. Fuck! I didn’t expect that. I didn’t react in case he wasn’t sure where I was. I heard leaves rustling near me and I saw him step past me. I wrapped my arm around his neck in a choke hold. He dropped the gun and I thought he was about to pass out when he managed to jerk free and start running. I chased him through the woods until we got to the street, and I saw a car speeding away. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I shot off a group message to the guys letting them know what happened, what he was driving and wearing. I told Fang to make sure Katherine stays in the house. I circled back and got the gun then headed to my bike. Putting the strap over my shoulder I went to the clubhouse to get the things I needed. Fang was going to meet me here with a couple of the guys and we were going into town to try and find him.

I walked into the clubhouse and saw Lillian in the kitchen, Fury was sitting there waiting for me. When he saw me, he frowned.

“You’re bleeding, let’s get that cleaned up real quick.” I stripped off my cut and the shirt I was wearing. Sure enough, there was a hole where he grazed me. I guess I didn’t feel it with all the adrenaline running through my body. Lillian grabbed the first aid kit and brought it to the table. I cleaned up the scratch and threw a bandage over it. “So, I get to play with the fucker or what?”

“When we find him, he’s mine. That’s my woman he is fucking with.” I said in a calm rage. Lillian looked at us, kissed Fury on the cheek and left.

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