Page 15 of Rider's Claim

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“Looks like you’re going to be my brother for real. Congratulations to you two. I couldn’t have picked out a better man for my baby sister. Just know if you hurt her, they will never find the body.” He said with a straight face before winking at her.

“Thanks, now sit down and have dinner with us.” I said putting a large dish with pot roast and veggies in the center of the table and some rolls. It was nice sitting down together for a meal.

“Katie, what would you think about getting a dog? I know you are not home a lot but between the two of you I’m sure the dog would get plenty of attention. You could eventually get a second one for company. They make good companions and a good alert when someone comes around. I know you are very safe on the compound, but nothing is foolproof. It wouldn’t hurt and you have always loved animals.” Fang looked at the both of us to see what we thought. “I can help as well.”

“I’d love a dog; will you go with us to pick one out on my next day off?” she asked him. I knew she was trying to get him to ask the cute vet out on a date. They obviously had chemistry, but he had not made his move yet. I was totally on board with this plan.

“I think that is a great idea, the three of us could go on Monday.” I said as we ate. “How about we go around noon, that gives you time to sleep after your shift at Trixie’s.”

“Um, sure okay.” Fang looked a little anxious. I smirked thinking that he wanted to see Cara but wasn’t sure what to say to her. My friend used to have game, but I guess it was only around women who he had no long-term interest in. Cara would be different. She would be important, so he was nervous about screwing up. I think the vet would be a great match for him. She is smart, funny, hardworking and cute. She blushes when she is around him and working the hours she does, she would understand his long hours as well. If Katherine and I can make it work, they could too.

“I’m hoping all this mess with Dr. Parks is resolved soon so we can plan a small ceremony at the clubhouse, maybe in the back yard. I don’t want anything big.” Katie said as she reached for my hand. “I just want a pretty white dress and maybe we could let Emma be the flower girl.”

“I love that idea. I’m sure Lillian would be glad to help plan it.” I told her as we finished our dinner. “We will find him soon baby.”

“Thank you for dinner, I need to head out. I have to pick up a few things on my way to the club.” Fang said as he carried his plate to the sink to rinse it off. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow sis.”

Katie got up and hugged him, walking him to the door. After he left, we cleaned up the kitchen and I pulled out a notebook to make wedding plans.

“Here, I know you want something small, but write down what you do want so we can be sure to get it all. I want you to have the wedding you want. I love you and want you to be happy. I’ll be happy that I get to have you.” I told her as we sat and wrote down a few things.

“Let’s plan on April twentieth around three in the afternoon. We can have a wedding feast like Fury and Lillian did. I won’t be able to go away for a honeymoon anytime soon either. Not with my schedule.” She yawned and I knew we needed to get some sleep.

“Let’s go to bed, you are tired, and I am too.” I took her hand and led her to our room. We got ready for bed, and she was asleep not long after her head hit the pillow.



I was so excited. It was finally Monday, and we were going to go to the shelter and pick out a dog. I had wanted a dog since I was a little girl, but our father wouldn’t let me have one. Today I was going to go with my brother and fiancé to pick one out. My last two shifts at the hospital passed with no sign of Dr. Parks. I think I was more nervous waiting for him to make a move than I would be if he actually did. Rider was in the kitchen making us some coffee, we were going to have breakfast at the Diner before heading to the shelter. After I finished dressing, I went to have a cup of coffee.

“You look happy today baby.” Rider said as he handed me a cup of coffee fixed the way I liked it. I smiled really big and took a sip of my coffee.

“I can’t wait to go see the animals. I can’t believe I get to bring one home.” I said wiggling in my seat. The guys had put up a fence around the back yard so that we could let the dog out to do his business without worrying about him or her running off. We were going to wait to pick out food, bowls and beds until we chose one, so we knew what size and what to get.

“Fang is going to meet us at the Diner, he will bring the dog back here while we go pick out what he or she needs.” Rider said as he drank his coffee. We finished our coffee and put the cups in the dishwasher. I was bouncing in my seat on the way to the Diner for breakfast. He laughed at my excitement. “I haven’t seen you this excited about anything since Fang bought you that barbie house for your birthday one year.”

I blushed that he actually remembered that. I knew he was older than me, but I didn’t care. We drove through town, and I started feeling like I was being watched. I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, it was just a feeling. I shrugged it off and we went into the Diner to have breakfast. My brother was already at the back table waiting for us.

“Good morning little bit. You ready to pick out a dog?” My brother had a twinkle in his eye as he asked me. He knew I was beside myself excited and that I had begged our pop for one for years. “Have a seat and let’s get some food in you first.”

We ordered breakfast and looked around. I saw Sophie and Gears come in and they took the table beside ours so we could chat. The guys were chatting when Dani, our waitress brought our food. Sophie took one look at my eggs over easy and turned green. She got up and ran for the bathroom. Gears looked startled.

“I’ll go check on her, be right back.” I said as I got up and followed her to the ladies’ room. I walked in and heard her retching in one of the stalls. I wet a couple of paper towels and waited for her to come out. When she opened the stall door, she looked flushed and embarrassed. “Here, wipe off your face. You don’t look sick, are congratulations in order?”

Her eyes got wide, and she touched her stomach. Apparently, that had not occurred to her yet.

“How late are you and is this the first bad reaction to food smells?” I asked her gently. She seemed to be absorbing the idea that she was probably pregnant.

“The last few days I haven’t been able to stand the smell of popcorn, I’m about three weeks late but my cycles are not always regular, so I didn’t think anything of it. We have been trying but haven’t had any luck. I guess I need to schedule an appointment to see my doctor.” Sophie couldn’t stop grinning now that she realized she was probably expecting.

“I’m happy for you both, you will make great parents.” I told her as we walked back to the table. Sophie made sure not to look at my plate and put my cup where it would block the sight of my eggs. Gears rubbed her back and they whispered together. I saw the shit eating grin spread across his face as he realized he was going to be a father. We chatted some and ate our breakfast.

“Sophie, we are headed to the shelter to pick out a dog for Katherine. I thought we could take Cara some breakfast. What does she like?” Jimmy asked her politely. Sophie looked at him for a minute surprised, then she smiled.

“She likes their bacon, egg and cheese sandwich. You get her one of those with a large coffee with two sugars and lots of cream and you will be in like Flynn.” Sophie winked at him. My brother blushed and waved the waitress over to give her the carry out order. When she brought it back with our change, we got up to leave. I hugged Sophie and told her she could call me if she had any questions.

When we arrived at the shelter, we saw Cara outside in a fenced area with several dogs running around her. She was laughing and throwing toys for them. She must have heard us approaching, she turned to greet us, and I noticed her eyes widen a bit when she saw my brother.

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