Page 98 of Beginnings

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“Just don’t tell me before you’re about to do it. Don’t warn me. I don’t want to know.”

“Okay,” he whispers. “I love you, Olivia.”

“I love you too.”

Ethan’s lips brush mine, soft and sweet at first, then growing more intense as he pulls me close to him. His scent surrounds me as his mouth commands mine. My head leans to the side, relaxed with ease as he kisses my neck. His mouth sucks and his tongue teases as he has many times before. I forget where I am for a split second as he kisses and nibbles on my earlobe.

“I love you so much, Olivia. You’re mine, baby, and I’m yours,” he whispers before kissing his way down my neck again.

I’m so consumed by his words and enveloped in his scent that I almost don’t notice the needle like sharpness as it sinks into the valley of my neck. My lack of awareness is short-lived as I’m overtaken by a burning pain that feels like lava flowing through my veins. It courses through my entire body. My eyes fly open, and I scream as I feel like the entire inside of my body has been engulfed in flames. My body goes limp as I continue to scream, and Ethan’s arms catch me from my fall. My head falls to the side to see the horror on the faces of our spectators. I see Nick with a look of shock while Chloe buries her face in his chest.

Max and Jillian are immediately by my side. “Alpha, let’s ease her down to the ground. We need to stabilize her and then we’ll move her,” Max says. I feel them slowly easing me to the ground, where I begin to convulse. Unfortunately, I am not so lucky as to pass out from the trauma. I’m still awake to live through every second of this torture.

“Olivia!” Ethan yells in a panic. “Fuck!” Ethan paces the stage with his hands in his hair while Jillian kneels next to me and prepares the medication as I continue to convulse.

“Alpha, I need you to help us hold her still so I can give her the injection,” Max says.

Ethan comes over to hold my arms still while Jillian has my legs. The very touch of their hands makes my skin feel likemy flesh will melt away. I scream out in pain again when the medication goes into my arm, feeling it burn its way through my veins.

“I’m so sorry, baby. I’m so sorry,” Ethan says repeatedly, as I feel a drop of something wet fall from Ethan’s tortured eyes onto my cheek. I want to tell him it’s not his fault and I don’t blame him, but I can’t speak. It feels like an eternity for the medication to take effect. I’m so thankful as relief finally consumes me. I’m in a state that isn’t asleep but also isn’t awake.


“What the fuck was that? What have I done to her?” I’m consumed with terror as I look at my mate lying on the ground. I never should have allowed this to happen. I’m helpless to do anything for her, and I don’t do fucking helpless.

“Alpha, please try to remember, I told you both we weren’t sure how painful it would be for her as a human being marked by an Alpha. It was much worse than anticipated,” Jillian says.

“She was screaming so loud in fucking pain! How could I do this to her?”

My dad comes up behind me, holding me by the shoulders, but I shake him off as I kneel at her side. “Son, please, you have to try to calm down. It’s done now, and you can’t take it back.”

“She’s calmer now, and once we’ve given the medication a chance to take full effect, we’ll get her out of here. Right now, it’s best to leave her as she is,” Max says.

I touch her face and take her hand. She’s trembling and her skin is like ice. “Olivia?” Her breathing suddenly becomes hard and labored. When I touch her chest, her heart is beating so fast it feels like it might explode.

“Max! Now!” Max is immediately by my side. “Something is wrong. Her lips are fucking blue! Fuck, Max!” I reach down and touch her chest. “She’s fucking freezing, she’s shaking, and her heart is racing!”

Max retrieves his stethoscope from his medical bag, placing the cold metal against her chest. “Her heart rate is rapid and incredibly erratic. I knew this was a bad idea.”


I can hear the frustration in Max’s voice, but suddenly, my heart rate slows and I’m no longer struggling to breathe. My chest feels light and calm, almost as if I’ve separated from the trauma occurring in my body. I look down and see Ethan on his knees while Max listens to my heart.

I’m looking down on them.How can I see this?

I can see all of them from above. Some of the crowd has dispersed, but others continue to watch—some with curiosity, some with concern. Max and Jillian are crouched next to me while Edwin and Caroline unsuccessfully try their hardest to pull Ethan away from me. Max begins compressions on my chest while Jillian tries to breathe life into me. I spot Nick and Chloe in the crowd. He has her wrapped in his arms with his face buried in her neck, while her back shakes with sobs.

No! No, this can’t be happening! This can’t be real! Ethan! I have to get to Ethan! He stands, only to fall to his knees again with his face in his hands. “Olivia! Olivia! No!” He looks up to meet the eyes of the onlookers, and rage visibly overtakes him. He rises to his feet. His chest heaves and his fists clench at his sides. A deep and threatening growl emits from his chest. “Get the fuck out of here! All of you, get the fuck out of here!” He turns to my body as Max and Jillian continue to try to revive me.He falls to his knees again as his head hangs and his back shakes in grief.

I love you, Ethan.



“We’ve got her! We’ve got her back! Oh, Olivia,” Max says. “Thank God.”

I lie down next to her, cradling her head in my arms. My heart thunders in my chest as it rests against hers. Her scent surrounds me and my heart breaks into a million jagged pieces. My beautiful, precious Olivia. I almost lost her, and while she may have only been gone for a few moments, a piece of me will forever be broken because of it. I allowed this to happen to her. How could I have been so stupid to let this go forward? None of this means anything without her.

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