Page 99 of Beginnings

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I stroke the side of her face with my hand, delivering gentle kisses on her cheeks, lips, and forehead. “I thought I lost you.” I don’t even recognize my helpless and broken voice. “I love you, Olivia. I love you so much, baby,” I whisper into her ear. “I will spend forever making this up to you. I promise.”

Max interrupts with a hand on my shoulder. “Alpha, I’m sorry, but we need to move her as soon as possible. Our crew is here to transport her to the hospital.”

“No. She’s coming home where she’ll feel my presence all around her. That’s the best place for her. We’ll bring the care to her.” I lean down and place a soft kiss to her lips, and when I raise up her brilliant green eyes meet mine. “Olivia? Max, her eyes are open! We’re taking you home, baby. You’re going to be okay. I’m here.” My temporary relief is short-lived as her eyes close almost as quickly as they opened. “Olivia?” The panic rises in my chest. “Baby?”

Max places a stethoscope on her chest, listening carefully. “It’s okay, Alpha. She’s still with us, and her heart sounds good. Let’s get her home.”

I breathe a sigh of relief, but my guard is far from down. “She has to make it through this. I won’t lose her.”

“Have faith, Alpha. We are going to be diligent with her care. Will you be meeting us back at the house?”

“No, I’m not leaving her.”

“All right. You can ride along in the ambulance if you’d like.” He knows better than to fight me on that right now.

She seems to be in and out of consciousness for the transport home. I keep her hand securely wrapped in mine, never once taking my eyes off of her. The medical staff are prepared to transfer her to the house when we arrive home, but I stop them. “No. I’ll take her.” I lift her into my arms, walking past the sympathetic faces of the medical staff and my parents as I carry her into our home and up to our bedroom. I settle her into bed, and place a gentle kiss to her forehead. “We’re home, baby.”

“Jillian, could you please check Olivia’s vitals for me?” Max asks.

“Of course.”

Jillian sits on the bed next to Olivia as she checks her heart and pulse. She then unfolds the blood pressure cuff, placing it around her arm. As she begins to pump it up, Olivia begins tostiffen and whimper, to which Jillian responds by immediately taking it off.

“I’m sorry, Olivia. We can wait on that,” Jillian says.

Anger fills my chest, even though I know it isn’t Jillian’s fault. “What’s going on? Is she still in pain?”

“I think so. We can still give her a little more medication to help keep her comfortable. Her heart rate and pulse are good, considering everything that’s happened, so we can check her blood pressure later.”

Jillian inserts the needle into Olivia’s arm, and her body relaxes almost instantly. “Hey, look at that. Her mark is already healing nicely,” Jillian says, pulling the covers over her. “It’s official now, Alpha.”

I nod with a sigh, feeling guilty at the sense of pride I feel seeing her mark. “It is, but I almost lost her. It all would have been for nothing.”

“While she’s not out of the woods yet, she’s certainly doing better now,” Max says. “Try to hang on to the positive. Olivia would never want you to blame yourself for any of this.”

“I do, though. I always will. I’ll spend the rest of my life making this up to her.”

I look up to see my parents standing in the bedroom doorway. “May we come in?” my dad asks.

“Sure. Thanks for being here,” I say, going to greet them each with hugs.

“Honey, of course. We love you, and we’re here for whatever you need,” my mom says. “How are you?”

“Better now that she’s back with me. I never imagined it would be so horrible.”

“None of us did, Ethan. I’m sorry things didn’t go as you hoped, son,” my dad says. “How is she doing, Max?”

“As I told Alpha, she’s not out of the woods yet, but she’s stable. Her heart sounds good now. She was still in pain when wegot here, so we just gave her some additional pain medication. We have her resting well now. She should be comfortable while her body goes through the necessary changes.”

“I’m glad to hear she’s stabilized,” Edwin says. “You’re very brave, Olivia. We’re very proud to call you one of us. You hang in there, sweetheart.” My dad leans down to kiss Olivia on the forehead.

“Ethan, what can we do for you, honey?” my mom asks.

“There’s nothing anyone can do right now, Mom. Thank you for being here.”

“We’ll be downstairs. Let us know if you need anything, okay?” she says.

“Thanks, Mom.”
