Page 97 of Beginnings

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“Somewhat, yes.”

“Okay. Well, let’s get some vitals for you. If everything looks good, then I can administer the first dose of pain medication. Remember, this first round is just to help with pain from the marking, but you won’t be sedated so you’ll be able to give your verbal consent. The doses I give you later will have the sedative in them.”

She listens to my heart, takes my blood pressure, and checks my pulse. “Everything is slightly elevated but still good, and that’s to be expected given the events about to take place. I think you’re good to go. Shall I administer the first dose of pain medication?”

I look at the man I love, feeling more certain about the decision I’m making than I have this entire time. “I’m ready,” I say, walking into Ethan’s embrace as he kisses me on top of the head.

“Okay.” Jillian takes the medication from her bag to prepare it. “Again, this should help to take the edge off the pain when the marking occurs. However as I said before, we believe it may be more painful with an Alpha’s mark. It’s my duty to also remind you of the additional risk of being turned without intimacy. Just know we are doing the best we can with what we know, and we’ll be there within seconds to take over and relieve your pain once the process is complete.” We both nod in understanding. “Olivia, I just need an arm to give you the injection. Once I give you the medication, we should all head over to the park to complete the process. Are you ready?”

We both look at one another and nod. Jillian gives me the injection and the medication burns just slightly. “Okay, I’ll see you both over there,” she says, smiling and walking out the door.

“I guess it’s time,” I say as he takes my hand and nods.

On the way to the park, Ethan grips the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white as we arrive and see an enormous crowd has gathered to view my marking. “Fuck! Just, fuck! This pisses me off!” He slams his fist on the steering wheel as he parks the car.

“It’s okay.” I put my hand on his arm. “Not everyone is here to make a show out of this. Camilla said she and her mate would be here to show their support. Maybe that’s why a lot of people are here.”

He sighs. “I hope you’re right. I’ll fucking destroy anyone who shows disapproval, or wants to make entertainment out of this.”

“Let’s go. They’re waiting for us.” I look in front of us to see a makeshift stage set up in the center of the park so everyone can see the marking. My stomach turns. Ethan is right. This is ridiculous. Some people are probably just here out of curiosity because it’ll be their only opportunity to watch a human being marked firsthand. The thought makes me feel sick. I have toremember why I’m doing this. I won’t back down. I’ll show them right from the start that I deserve to lead by Ethan’s side.

“Hello, Alpha.” Max nods and shakes Ethan’s hand when we get to the stage. “And Olivia.” He pulls me into a hug. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

My voice shakes. “I’m okay. I’m ready.”

“Okay. Come this way. We’re ready for you.” Max leads us over to the side of the stage, where an older gentleman in a suit, who I recognize from the meeting yesterday, is waiting.

“Hello, Alpha Sullivan.” He holds his hand out to shake Ethan’s. “Olivia, I’m John Davis. I’ll be overseeing your marking on behalf of the Combined Pack Council. As you know, I voted against this. I’m just here as a friendly face to make things official.”

“I appreciate your vote against it, John,” Ethan says with a nod.

“I see we have all the paperwork in order, and we have Olivia’s written consent. Alpha Sullivan, will you be addressing your pack before the marking?”

“Yes. I plan to make my feelings about this very clear.”

John nods. “Very well. I would ask you to please do so now. Once you’ve addressed the pack, we’ll bring Olivia on stage, we’ll get her verbal consent, and you may proceed with the marking.”

I suddenly can’t breathe. I lean forward and rest my hands on my knees, as I try to take in a breath. Ethan, Max, and Jillian all surround me. “Baby, look at me. Look at me, Olivia.” Ethan cups my face in his hands. “Slow, deep breaths.” He keeps his eyes locked on mine as he takes deep breaths with me.

I stand up slowly, supported by Max and Jillian. “I’m okay now. Go, Ethan. Please just go talk to them so we can get this over with.”

He nods and kisses my cheek before walking onto the stage. “If I could have your attention, please,” he speaks into themicrophone. “We all know why we’re gathered here today. You all know I recently found my mate, and you are all aware she’s human. You know the general practice would be to mark your mate in an intimate moment in the privacy of your own home. All of you have had the right to do so. I’m your Alpha. I should have the right to do so as well, but due to the opinion of some, here we are today. I hope the majority of you are here to support your future Luna. She will, indeed, be one of us. She is my mate and she will lead this pack with me. Any acts of disrespect will be noted, and there will be consequences. Olivia, please join me.” He holds his hand out to me.

My limbs shake as I walk to the middle of the stage. I take his hand and look out to see mostly subdued faces in the crowd after Ethan’s speech. He smiles at me and takes my other hand, rubbing the backs of my hands with his thumbs. Max and Jillian also move into place while John goes to the microphone.

“As a representative of the Combined Pack Council, I will witness the marking of human, Olivia Newman, by Alpha Ethan Sullivan of the Pinewood Pack. Olivia, do you give your consent to be marked as the mate of Alpha Ethan Sullivan of the Pinewood Pack, and therefore changing your human species to that of a shifting werewolf and member of the Pinewood Pack?”

“I do,” I say as my voice shakes.

“Alpha, you may proceed when you’re ready,” John says, backing away from the microphone.

Ethan and I lock eyes. “Well, this is it,” I say as my breath quickens.

He cups my face. “We can take our time.”

“I’m ready.”

“I’m going to start kissing you, and then I’ll kiss your neck. Hopefully, it will relax you a little.”

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