Page 92 of Beginnings

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“I understand your sympathies in the situation, Edwin. We’re all sympathetic, but these are the laws.”

“They’re ancient fucking laws that don’t even make any sense,” Ethan growls. “I can’t believe this bullshit!”

With a giant lump in my throat and my heart pounding in my chest, I stand. “I’ll do it.”

Ethan whips his head to me. “What? No! No fucking way! It’s not happening, Olivia!”

“Should we just accept your resignation now, Alpha Sullivan?” blue tie Harold asks with a smirk.

“Fuck you. You can go to hell,” Ethan says, as his body trembles.

Bill slams his fist on the table again. “That’s enough from all of you! It’s time for a vote. To be clear, we are voting to overturn the law stating that an Alpha’s human mate’s transition must be viewed publicly. The vote must be unanimous. Those in favor of overturning the law say yea.” The majority of the table votes tooverturn the law. “Those against it, say nay.” Three men at the end of the table vote to keep the law.

Ethan jumps from his seat, shoving his chair into the wall. “No!”

“I know this isn’t the outcome you were hoping for,” Bill says. “I’m sorry, Olivia, but the law for a public transition stands.”

Ethan starts to pace in the small area behind his chair. “You can’t do this to her!”

I stand and take his arm, making him face me. “I have to, Ethan. It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not okay. We’ll find another way, baby,” Ethan says as his eyes plead with me.

“I would highly suggest that you do this according to the laws, Alpha Sullivan,” Bill warns. “If it were to be found out that you went behind the council’s back to turn Olivia in private, we would have no choice but to remove you and banish you from the pack. You are the Alpha, and with that privilege, you are held to certain standards. And, might I also caution you, Dr. Harper, that if you or anyone on your medical team would be caught helping Alpha Sullivan with a transition off the record, that would be the end of your ability to practice medicine within pack society.”

“Fuck!” Ethan slams his hands on the table once more as he sinks into his chair.

“When can we do it?” I ask.

Ethan grabs my arm. “Olivia! I said it’s not happening!”

“I’m doing it, Ethan. You heard him. There’s no other way, and don’t you dare even think about saying what you suggested earlier.” I don’t want him even hinting at stepping down. “I’ll be okay.”

“When would you like to proceed, Olivia?” Bill asks.

“As soon as possible. Tomorrow.”

“What?” Ethan stands again. “Tomorrow? What the fuck, Olivia?”

“Ethan, please,” I say as tears form in my eyes. “I need to do this, and I need to do it as soon as possible so I don’t have to think about it anymore. Please,” I say, taking his hands in mine.

“Is tomorrow possible, Dr. Harper?” Bill asks.

“I can make it happen tomorrow, if that’s what Olivia wants.”

“Good. Let’s make the arrangements,” Bill says. “Congratulations, Olivia.”



Ethan slams his door as we get in his car to drive home. He stares at the steering wheel. The only sound in the car is the anger in his controlled breathing. He turns to look at me. “What the fuck did you just do?”

“Ethan, I?—”

“No, Olivia. I mean it. What the fuck did you just do?”

I frown and cross my arms. “Are you mad at me?”

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