Page 91 of Beginnings

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“Thank you both,” Bill says. “We have statements from your father, uncle, and second in command as well. We’ll meet tomorrow to review all the information, and we’ll come to a decision at that time. For now, let’s move on to discussing Olivia’s transition.” He pauses for a moment. “Given what we just heard, I do feel the need to ask…Olivia, are you here by choice? Are you making this decision of your own free will?”

“Yes,” I say, nodding emphatically. “I was overwhelmed and upset that night, but the one good thing that came from that terrible night is that it brought me clarity. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I want to spend my life with this man,” I say, looking at Ethan, who smiles at me in return.

“Are you sure about that?” the man with the blue bow tie growls. “Because it seems like you wanted nothing to do with being turned. How can we have a woman like this leading one of our packs?” he says as he gestures to me and looks at me with disgust.

Ethan slams his fist on the table, leaning forward. “Can you imagine finding out that a secret society of mythical creatures exists among you, to then being told that the man who says he loves you wants to change your species in order to be together? You don’t know anything about her! The Pinewood Pack will be lucky to have an amazing woman like Olivia leading them!”

“That’ll be enough, Harold,” Bill says to the man with the blue bow tie. “One more outburst out of you and you’ll be excluded from tonight’s vote. Let’s bring in Dr. Max Harper, please,” Bill says. One of the men leaves the room and returns with Max, who gives me a kind smile as he sits at the opposite end of the table.

“Thank you for being here, Dr. Harper,” Bill says. “As you all know, we discovered a law that states that if a human mate is to lead next to an Alpha, she must be turned, and it must be done with a public viewing. This is to assure all pack members that this new leader is truly one of us. It’s meant to provide a sense of security to the pack. We realize this isn’t how things are usually done, and while this is an old law, it’s still a standing law.”

“The same thing could be proven through a DNA test, and it doesn’t say anything about the kind of leader Olivia will be,” Ethan interjects. “It’s unsafe, and it violates our privacy. Tell me how the Alpha of the pack doesn’t get the same consideration for privacy as the rest of its members,” Ethan says, gripping my hand.

“Because as the pack’s Alpha, I shouldn’t need to remind you that you belong to your pack, Alpha Sullivan. There are many privileges you receive as Alpha, and in return you need to show your pack transparency. As far as the safety, that’s why Dr. Harper is here. As the medical director for the Pinewood Pack, and the physician who would be overseeing Olivia’s transition, we wanted to get your expert opinion regarding a public turning,” Bill says, looking at Max.

“I’m happy to answer any questions you have,” Max says.

“Let’s start with Olivia’s health. We are aware that she had a physical examination with Dr. Jillian Carter yesterday. Would you determine from Dr. Carter’s findings that Olivia has a clean bill of health?”

Max’s mouth presses into a tight line “Yes.”

“Her heart rate, blood pressure and blood work were all normal?” Bill asks.


“Were any abnormalities found with Dr. Carter’s examination?”

“No, none,” Max replies.

“Did Dr. Carter deem Olivia healthy enough to withstand her transition?”

Max sighs. “Yes, but that doesn’t mean I agree with those findings for a public transition.”

“She deemed her healthy for a normal transition,” Ethan says, shaking his head.

“In fact, it states on Dr. Carter’s report that Olivia is in, quote, exceptional health…correct?” Bill asks.

“Yes, that’s correct,” Max says as he looks at his clasped hands on the table.

Ethan stands and pulls his hands down his face. “This is fucking ridiculous! We don’t even know if anyone has ever done this!”

“Alpha Sullivan, that will be enough. Please take your seat,” Bill says, and then turns his attention back to Max as Ethan sits. “And, do you have medications that can be adjusted to handle varying degrees of discomfort?”

Max sighs again. “Yes.”

“Thank you, Dr. Harper,” Bill says. “Let’s take another vote.”

“That’s it?” Ethan says, jumping to his feet as my heart leaps into my throat. “That’s all you’re going to ask? Just because shecan withstand a typical transition, doesn’t mean she’ll be able to handle one like this! This could kill her! What the fuck is wrong with you people?”

Bill slams his fist on the table. “Sit down! Now, Alpha Sullivan! I suggest you control your temper, or you’ll be thrown out!” He pauses to take a breath. “Now, just a reminder that the vote has to be unanimous to be overturned.”

“Then there’s no sense in voting,” the grouchy man at the end of the table says. “I’ll never vote to overturn. If she wants to be one of us, she can show us.”

Ethan slams his hands on the table. “This is such bullshit!”

“Alpha Sullivan, I warned you!” Bill yells.

“Ethan, you need to calm down,” Edwin says, coming to his son’s side. “Can’t we talk about this some more, Bill?” Edwin says.
