Page 67 of Beginnings

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“He is, yes.”

“And, you’re still here. Does that mean you guys are going to be okay?”

“Yes, it’s just…it’s been a lot, Chloe. I feel like I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster, and I’m afraid the ride might not be over.”

“Things might be a little rocky for a bit. He was really thrown when you left.”

“I know. It was stupid to run, but after everything he told me yesterday, and then finding out he manipulated the situation…I was furious, and I panicked.”

“I know, sweetie. One thing after another has been thrown at you in such a short time. My dad, Nick, and I were talking last night, and we understand your response. Ethan does too, but he’s not able to look at it from an outside perspective. It’s personal for him.”

“Yeah, I just wasn’t expecting the Alpha version of him I got last night.”

“What happened?” she asks, her eyebrows narrowing in concern.

“I told him I’m all in, and I agreed to give myself to him completely.”

“That’s huge. Are you really okay with that?”

“I have to be, Chloe. I felt what life without him would be like, and I can’t do it. I also told him I love him.”

“Oh, Liv. That’s wonderful. Well, so that had to make him happy, right?”

“Yeah, it did, at least for a while. I thought we were good. We had amazing, and I meanamazingsex, but when we talked afterward, he went all Alpha on me. He told me to stay away from Ian, I belong to him, and I’ll never be Ian’s.”

“Whoa. I would say it’s a little shocking, but he walked in on a man he hates attempting to mark his mate. He and Ian already had such animosity, and now Ian knows he can use you to hurt Ethan.”

“Ethan said whatever Ian gave me last night was a homemade concoction. Do you know anything about that?”

“Ian has a background in chemistry and biology. He’s super smart about that kind of thing, so I assume he’s been working on an antidote to the rejection response. Why he would be doing that, I have no idea.”

“That’s pretty scary. Ethan also said something about wanting me to stay away from unmated males in general. Does he really think I’d just venture off with someone else?”

“I’m sure he doesn’t, but you have to know he’s going to be a little sensitive about things for a while. It hurt him when you ran, and it’s his instinct to protect your bond. If you were fully mated, other unmated males wouldn’t be such an issue. Since you’re not, I think he’s relying on primal instincts to protect what he has with you, which is where the possessiveness comes from.”

“I guess I get that,” I say, hanging my head.

“Just be patient with each other. Have you guys discussed moving forward with completing the mate bond yet?”

“Yeah, Ethan is going to get started on all the details. He told me about the Luna ceremony.”

“Oh, it’ll be so much fun, Liv. It’s a formal ball, and you’ll literally be dressed up and treated like a princess.”

“That’s basically what Ethan said.” Pacing the room again, a knot forms in my stomach.

“You don’t seem excited about that. What’s bothering you?”

“I just have a lot on my mind. I have to meet his parents tonight. We’ve beensummonedto dinner,” I say with air quotes.

“Don’t worry. It’ll be fine. He comes from a wonderful family.”

“I can only imagine what they must think of me…the human who ran away causing their son all this drama.”

“I’m telling you, don’t worry. They’re good people. It won’t be anything you can’t handle.”

“Speaking of what I can handle, do you think I need to be worried about the pain of being turned?”

“I’ve known of a few people who were turned, and the medication does an excellent job of keeping you comfortable. The medical staff will watch you closely. I know you might not want my dad to be involved on the first night, but he would love to check in on you later, if you’re okay with it.”

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