Page 66 of Beginnings

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“It typically happens six months to a year down the road, sometimes longer, unless you’re pregnant. Your body won’t allow you to shift if you’re pregnant. It can sometimes be a long time before transitioned shifters are able to shift. Your mind and body need time to build a connection with your inner wolf.”

She stands and starts pacing the floor. “My inner wolf…right,” she says, chewing on her thumbnail.

“Hey.” I go to her and pull her into a hug. “I’m here with you. Okay? You won’t be doing any of this alone. I promise.”

She nods, sinking into me and taking a deep breath. “Can I ask you something?”


“When I’m close to you, your scent surrounds me in comfort, and I feel like nothing else around me matters. Does my scent do that to you?”

“It does.”

“You have a wonderful masculine, herbal, but somewhat citrus scent. What does my scent smell like to you?”

“It’s sweet, clean and floral. It calms me and makes me hungry for you all at once.”

She smiles and sinks further into my chest. “It sounds nice.”

“It’s incredible.” I pull back, and look into her eyes before gliding my lips softly over hers.

“So, once the mating process is complete, does that basically make us married?”

“According to our society, it does. However, because my family has business dealings outside the pack, we’ll file for a marriage license with the state and have a civil ceremony. Then, should something happen to me, you’ll be entitled to the appropriate inheritance.”

Her body tightens against mine at my response. “Oh, so a wedding ceremony isn’t always a part of completing the bond?”

“Not always. Some couples choose to have a wedding, but it’s not typical. There might be a small ceremony or celebration, but our bond is purely emotional and of the heart. It’s a spiritual connection with the universe. Paper documentation is only done here to track family lineage, but you could look at the Luna ceremony as a big wedding reception.” I pause to take in her frown. “Are you okay with that?” Shit. I hadn’t even considered how she would feel about missing out on a traditional wedding. I take her hand. “Hey,” I say softly, “talk to me. You’re disappointed.”

“No. It’s fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” she answers with a firm nod.

Her words don’t match the expression on her face, and I know it’s not fine. I have to fix this. I pull my phone out, pretending to scroll through my email. “I’m so sorry. I hate to leave in the middle of our conversation, but some details just popped up I have to deal with. Do you think Chloe will be available to hang out with you while I’m gone?”

“Is everything okay?” she asks with a frown.

“It will be. It’s just something that needs my immediate attention.”

“Okay, I’ll text her to find out.” She texts Chloe and gets a response immediately. “We’re all good. She’ll be here soon. Do you mind if we raid your wine fridge while you’re gone?”

“It’s your wine fridge too, so you can do whatever you want. This is your home now. I want you to start feeling that way here.” She nods in acceptance as I wrap my arms around her, and relax in the comfort of her scent.

Chloe arrives just as we finish cleaning up from lunch. I kiss Olivia and go to the door leading to the garage. “Take care of my girl for me, Chloe. I won’t be too long.”


“How are you?” Chloe asks as soon as Ethan is out the door.

“I’m doing okay. Thank God, you guys showed up when you did.”

“It terrifies me to think of what could have happened to you last night. He still attacked you, though. Are you sure you’re okay?”

I nod. “I am. Well, I’m getting there.”

“Is Ethan helping you?”
