Page 68 of Beginnings

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“Of course, I would appreciate that.”

“So, aside from you professing your love and all the amazing sex, is there anything else I don’t know?” Chloe giggles.

I consider telling her I’m disappointed I won’t be having a wedding, but I decide to leave it alone. I’m entering a new way of life now, and I have to try to embrace how things are done here.

I laugh, shaking my head. “Just a lot of sex and drama. It’s been my own personal soap opera.”

Chloe throws her head back in a laugh. “Come here.” She pulls me into a big hug. “It’s going to get better. You’ll see. Until then, do you know what you need?”

“What’s that?”

“Reality TV. You need to give your brain a break and watch someone else’s drama for a while.”

“That sounds perfect.” Chloe and I spend the next couple of hours drinking wine and catching up on our favorite reality shows. I’m in the middle of a comment about our favorite drama queen when my thoughts are interrupted by a text message. I roll my eyes when I see who it’s from.

“Who’s the text from?” Chloe asks.


“What? What does it say?”

I hand her the phone. “Here, read it,” I say as we move to the kitchen for more wine.


Can I call you? I need to talk to you.


Please, Olivia. I miss you.

Chloe bites her thumbnail. “Are you going to respond?”

“Do you think I should?”

“I don’t know. Maybe you should just ignore him.” More texts come through.


I love you, Olivia.


Where are you? You haven’t been at your apartment.


That guy is dangerous. You’re not safe with him. Think about what he did to me.


I’m going to find you and bring you home.

“Wow, he’s persistent,” Chloe says with wide eyes. “He still doesn’t understand who he’s dealing with, does he?”

“I think I need to tell him to let it go. I can’t have him constantly texting me, especially while Ethan is Alpha in overdrive right now.”

