Page 59 of Beginnings

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I fight the impulse to vomit as I try with everything I have to push him off of me, but I’m no match for his werewolf strength. I’m completely confined under his weight. His face is inches away from mine. “Get off of me now! I don’t want you! Just stop! Please, stop!”

“Enough! We both know you’re not strong enough.” He bends down and covers my mouth with his, kissing me fiercely. I violently turn my head to the side to avoid his kiss. I can no longer hold back the tears that flood my face.

He starts kissing my neck again, and then I feel one hand begin to travel up under my shirt. I’m disgusted and struggling beneath him as I try to break free.

“No!” I scream while he laughs at my attempt to fight him off.

“Oh, you’re so feisty, Olivia. I love it,” he says with a low growl.

“Get the fuck off of me!”

“You’re the one who chose not to say yes,” he says. “Now I have to make you love me the hard way, Olivia. Don’t worry, as soon as I claim you as mine, any feelings you had for Ethan will be erased.” He presses himself into me again. “Think about it, my naked body against yours. My mark right here.” He traces my neck with his thumb, then sucks on the sensitive skin. I squirm and whimper beneath him. My body shakes, terrified at the possibility of what he might do next. “Last chance, Olivia. Do you want to accept me as your mate and be mine?”

“Never.” Tears stream down my face.

He pauses and shakes his head. “The hard way it is, then.” He pulls back to look at me while his weight pins me under him. His hands are squeezing my arms in a vice grip. “This is going to hurt like a bitch, but don’t worry. I’ll have you feeling really good in no time.” He lowers his mouth to my neck again, and I feela sharpness raking across my skin. My breath stills as I realize what he’s about to do. I begin thrashing with everything I have in me, screaming at the top of my lungs with tears exploding from my eyes.

I let out an agonizing cry, praying for a miracle. The next thing I hear is a murderous growl as the front door is kicked open, breaking it off the hinges and throwing it into the wall. I scream as Ian grips my arms even harder right before he’s thrown off of me.

“I will fucking kill you, motherfucker!” Ethan roars as he throws Ian into a cabinet with glass doors which shatter on impact.

Ian stands up and simply brushes himself off with a laugh. “Well, well. Look who decided to show up.” Ethan charges him again, teeth bared and chest heaving as he pins him against the wall with his hands around Ian’s throat.

“You will never touch my fucking mate ever again! Am I clear, you son of a bitch?” My body trembles, feeling the anger in Ethan’s voice in own my chest as it vibrates through the room.

“Your mate?” Ian laughs out loud. “You haven’t even marked her yet, so as far as I can tell, she’s still up for grabs.”

“She’s mine!” Ethan’s voice thunders through the room. “You know she’s fucking mine!”

“I can see why you want to fight for her so much. She smells fucking delicious and her lips…oh, man…her lips taste so damn sweet.” Ian smiles ear to ear.

“Fuck you!” Ethan punches a hole through the wall before throwing Ian down to the ground. He throws punch after punch at Ian’s face, but Ian manages to maneuver his way out of Ethan’s hold. I scream as they throw each other into walls, slamming their fists into one another’s faces.

“I was so close,” Ian says with a sick laugh. “I was only seconds away from making her mine instead.”

Ethan whips his head around to me as his pins Ian against the wall. “Was he going to mark you?” I nod my head through my heaving sobs.

Ethan turns back to Ian. “You thought you could mark my mate and get away with it, motherfucker? My human mate? You could have fucking killed her!” Ethan bellows, followed by a room shaking growl. The air in the room grows thick and heavy while the two growl at one another, and their chests heave as they circle each other.

There’s no preparing for what happens next. The growling and heavy breathing then turns into one loud snarl, and I scream as both shift into wolves in an instant. They circle each other, growling and snapping their teeth. They suddenly lunge for each other, and I scream and cover my eyes as I cower in the corner, sobbing.

Feeling someone touch my shoulder, I startle and scream again, but I’m relieved when I open my eyes to see Chloe and Nick crouched in front of me. “You two get the fuck out of here,” Nicks orders. Chloe rushes me to the door and on our way out, I see two other men, one of which bears a striking resemblance to Ethan. They’re both yelling at Ethan and Ian who continue to attack each other in their wolf forms. As I turn to face the house once we’re outside, I now see three wolves. The new third wolf is doing its best to get between Ethan and Ian to separate them.

“Did Nick just?—?”


“I thought they didn’t fight with their wolves unless it’s something really extreme?” I ask through tears, pacing and turning my attention back to the house.

“I can assure you if Ethan has taken things this far, he felt it was warranted.” I look around her to see the massive wolves attacking each other while the growling and snarling echoes in the night. “Focus on me, Liv. It’s not going to help you to watchthat right now.” Chloe pulls my attention back to her. “Are you okay? Where are you hurt?” Chloe asks, rubbing her hands up and down my arms. I wince and gasp as she touches the bruises left behind by Ian’s grip. She raises the sleeves of my shirt. “Shit, Liv.”

“You got here just in time,” I cry, gasping for air. “He was about to…to?—”

“About to what? Tell me,” Chloe encourages. I don’t seem to be able to get the words out, so I tilt my head to the side, exposing my neck. I point to where I’d felt the sharpness of his teeth.

She gasps. “Was he threatening to mark you?”

“Yes,” I barely whisper through my shaking sobs.

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