Page 58 of Beginnings

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“Ian, I can’t do that.”

His grip tightens. “I’m trying to be nice here, Olivia. I’m giving you the option to say yes on your own.”

My heart begins to pound in my chest. “And, what if I say no?”

He shakes his head and presses his lips into a hard line. “Damn it, Olivia. I’m not going to hand you back to him. You can learn to be happy here.”

My mouth drops open. “This is ridiculous. You literally just met me. You know Ethan is out there looking for me as we speak.” The realization overwhelms me with guilt.

“Whatever you need to tell yourself, Olivia.” Still holding my wrist with one hand, he extends his other arm out, gesturing around the room. “I don’t see him anywhere. Do you?”

“You know he’s looking for me.” The panic rises in my voice. “And when he finds me, I’ll be leaving with him.” I’m finally able to yank my wrist away from him. I stand and start walking toward the front door.

Ian blocks my path with his large body. “Just where do you think you’re going? Do you think you’d get very far out there? You’d immediately be reported and detained.”

“You can’t keep me here, Ian.”

“I don’t want tohaveto keep you. I want you todecideto stay, but here we are.” He stalks toward me, eventually backing me against a wall. I feel like a caged animal, holding my breath as his face slowly approaches mine. “You know, Olivia, I’ve been thinking about what it would feel like to kiss you since we met in the woods.” I swallow hard as his lips hover over mine.

“Ian,” I say, releasing the breath I’ve been holding, “I don’t want this. Please, let me go.”

My skin crawls as his nose runs down the side of my cheek. “Nah. I think I want to keep you,” he whispers against my face.

“I’m supposed to be with Ethan,” I say, my voice shaking.

“You left Ethan, Olivia. You left him, and came to me.”

“You just happened to find me in the woods. I didn’t come to you. You can’t hold me hostage here.”

I whimper when he slams his hand into the wall next to my head. “I wouldn’t have to if you’d just say you’ll stay on your own!”

“But your mate?—”

Ian shrugs, “I’d reject her for you. I’ve developed my own little concoction to make the rejection symptoms subside. I’ll be sure we’re both comfortable, and then she can move on.”

“You don’t want to be with me for the right reasons, Ian. You’re attracted to the fact that you’d be sticking it to Ethan.”

“If you’re worried that I’m not attracted to you, I can assure you that’s not an issue. Feel for yourself, if you want.” He gestures to the bulge in his pants.

Oh, my God. He’s actually getting off on this. “No. I’m leaving,” I say as I try to dodge around him, but I’m blocked by his imposing figure.

“I already told you an attempt to escape would be useless. So, sit down,” he says, gesturing toward the couch. He moves aside just enough for me to slide past him. I’m shaking as I do what he says. “I’ll get us some wine. It’ll help you relax. Do…not…move,” Ian says, heading for the kitchen, as if everything is fine.

“Wine? You’re out of your mind if you think I’m going to let you get me drunk.”

When I see that he’s busy with the wine opener, I make a run for the front door. I manage to unlock the deadbolt and open the door, only to have it slammed shut again. I shrink back as Ian stands between me and the door with his fists clenched and his chest heaving.

“I told you not to fucking move,” he says through gritted teeth.

“I’m sorry,” I say as my voice shakes. He stalks me as I walk backward until the backs of my legs touch the edge of the couch. He shoves me down into a seated position and crouches in front of me.

“I tried to do this the nice way, Olivia. Now look at what you’re making me do,” he says as he pushes me back onto the couch. He climbs on top of me, and his warm breath moistens my neck. “This will be easier if you just give in.” My skin crawls as he kisses my neck, licking his way up to nibble on my ear lobe. “Tell me you want me.”

Despite using all my strength, he’s too strong. I can’t get him off of me. I’m doing everything I can to stay in control, but my heart is about to jump out of my chest. I’ve never in my life felt as weak as I do now.

“Ian, no! Stop! You know I’m your cousin’s mate! You don’t even really want me! You just want to sabotage what Ethan and I have together!”

He raises up, holds me down by my arms, and looks at me with lust in his eyes. “What makes you think I don’t want you?Does this feel like I don’t want you?” he asks as he pushes his hard erection against my leg.
